Research Writing – organization exercise with cards


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Week 8+ organization exercise with cards/post-its When not in conference with Ms. Walters, Michelle, or Phil, go through these steps with your team


To start

Take about 10 index cards or post-it notes. You will only put ONE piece of information on each card.

(let everyone in the group get caught-up before moving ahead to next prompt)

As an in-class exercise, we may be going faster, but you can revisit this during workshop week!


First few cards

One card should contain your current working thesis statement

Several cards should state smaller claims or “warrants” you’ll use to support or explain specific aspects of your thesis.


Sourced info

At least 3 cards should be quotes or summaries of useful specific information you found in research.

(Give quick citation-info at the bottom of each card- just enough so you can link it with the right source later, like “Warrens, p 23”)


Adding some argument

At least 1 card must be a counter claim (an objection readers might make, or a theory you disagree with).

For each counter-claim card, you must have at least one rebuttal card.

(you can get more index cards/post-its if needed. Again, let everyone catch up if in workshop-week mode)


Note for perfectionists:

Remember – you’re not “married” to any of this – go ahead and put down stuff you’re not sure you will need, even stuff that seems wacky. It’s better to have too many ideas, too much information, than not enough.


More card options (skipping for in-class version in Week 8)

Some cards may contain questions you might ask (and answer) in your paper.

Some cards should give examples Some cards should contain facts/figures

(statistics or data) Some cards may contain relevant

background data. Some cards may state applications or

implications of your thesis.


Gorgeous chaos?

Next phase begins on next card


Pass the cards

Hand each other your stack of cards. (In a group of 3, each person hands to the person to their left. In 4s, maybe swap with whoever is next to you.

Take the cards in your hand, and organize them in a way that makes sense to you.


Discuss with card-creators

Discuss the organization of “your” stack. Try to be “sounding boards” and not “devil’s advocates”.



Come to a preferred order for each stack. Add cards/notes as needed.

Try to choose paragraph types & add to cards. (definition, description, analysis, synthesis, cause and

effect, compare and contrast, narration)


Don’t lose the order! & Plans for next step….

Copy down this “new & improved outline” (paper, or email it to self (or G-Drive or Box)). Include extra notes about paragraph types

Discuss time available, research needed, pick specific cards/tasks to do in a specific (if arbitrary) order.
