Recipe cards


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Pre-Production TechniquesLO1

Ashley Boyne


Give a definition for each of the terms listed: Self Financed: Providing money for your own project.

Employer/Client Financed: This is when a client provides money for a hired company to complete the project.

Kickstarter: A website which enables media companies to pitch to the general public for money. This is in order for them to be able to make a specific product.

FinanceWhich source of funding will be most likely for your production and why?Client Financed: I believe this would be the best option as none of my own money is

risked. Also communication of ideas would be easier as their would not be a wide spread of people you are working for.

Advantages: None of your own funds involved. Working for a single company rather than a wide range of people with different views if you were using Kickstarter.

Disadvantages: You may have different views from your client on how your recipe cards should look. Tight deadlines may also be a problem.

FinanceList the aspects of your production that will require finance:-Buying the paper-Printing-Personnel-Location/Studio hire-Equipment hiring-Food ingredients

TimeWhat methods could you employ to ensure you stick to your deadlines and why would this be beneficial to your project?To make sure I stick to my deadlines, I will structure my work into small and

manageable parts. If I am not able to stick to these deadlines my workload will become too much with very little time remaining. As a result the quality of work may suffer.

TimeWhat is contingency time and how might this be beneficial to your project?

Contingency time is pre-allocated before the start of the project as a timezone of possible mistake amendments. Alternatively your contingency time could be used to improve the quality of your production. Contingency time could allow you to try a wider variety of ideas of which your best work may come out of. Knowing you have contingency time may relieve stress when working, knowing that if a mistake is made, their will be time to correct it.

PersonnelWhat size team will you use for your production (large or small)? How many people will you have in your team? Why?The size of the team will be two, this will make reliability and communication easier

than if the team was a lot larger. If the workload is proving too much over time further people can be brought into help.

PersonnelWhat job roles would you have in your production and what skills and experience would be required?Chef: It is the job of the chef to cook the food and have the food ready to modelled.

Model: It is their job to make the food look enjoyable.

Photographer: The Photographer will obviously be taking the photographs of the food, his or her images will be a vital part of the recipe card. They will need studio experience, equipment knowledge and photoshop skills.

Team Leader: The Team Leader will make sure all tasks are completed and on time.

Publisher(internet): This person will be in charge of uploading new posts to the blog.

Graphic Designer: The graphic designer will be needed for the process of designing the actual recipe card. This means they will need experience in using the software needed, perhaps Photoshop.

PersonnelHow could you find people to be in your production team?I could source people to use in my production team in numerous ways. If I was lucky

enough to have anyone in my friends circle or family who is a photographer or any of the other job roles needed, I could use this person. I could also go through networks such as the Guardian or York Press to find personnel for my production team.

FacilitiesList the equipment, resources and facilities you need for your production and its source

Equipment/Facility/Resources needed for production

College Self Client

Camera X

Tripod X

Food X

Model X


Contributor Type of Contributor

Team member Talent

Client Talent

Tutor Expert

Photographer of Sourced Images Expert

LocationsWhat method could you employ to identify locations needed for your production (production/ post production facilities) and how could this be useful?

A ‘recce’ would be useful when determining what location should be used for any production or post production facilities. A ‘recce’ is useful to conclude whether the location would need permission to be used, the length of time it would take to travel to, whether it cost any money to use, would it be safe to use and finally does it look suitable for what you need.

When choosing the location, limitations of the site and also any potential risks need to be taken into account.


Are there any limitations or risks you would need to consider for your locations?

Location Limitation/Risk

Kitchen May be difficult to get suitable lighting. Being burned would be a potential risk if you’re surrounded by hot food.

Studio Not being able to move all of the equipment out of the studio quickly if a different idea regarding location is taken. A risk could be a lighting falling on the model.

York City Centre

Limitations would be perhaps poor lighting depending on the weather, also it would be difficult carrying around lot’s of equipment. Risks would be poor/extreme weather conditions ruining a day of production. Also members of the public may become aggravated with the photographers if they believe they are having the photograph taken without permission.

Codes of Practice - ClearancesWhat is a model/location release form and why is it important to your production?

Model/location release forms are vital when giving yourself full rights to take photographs in your selected location of your selected models without the chance of legal consequence . If the necessary signatures are not sought and achieved you run the risk of being sued by those who are owners of the location or your models.

Codes of Practice - LegalWhat legal requirements will you have to consider in your project and what aspects do they relate to?

Aspect of Production Legal Consideration

Health and SafetyThe location chosen as the place of production will need a health and safety assessment to discover any potential hazards. This would be very important if done in somewhere like a kitchen.

I will need to make sure all work is original and not at all plagiarised. This includes not using other peoples logo’s characters, images and stories amongst other things.


Codes of Practice – Regulatory Bodies

Which regulatory body’s guidelines would you need to follow when creating your production?

When creating my production the ASA guidelines would have to be followed. This would be to ensure I was not creating an advert that was potentially harmful to the audience.

The ASA guidelines would also be followed to make sure that no lies were being given in the production to help sell the product. This is especially important if the advert was aimed at children.

Codes of Practice – Regulatory Bodies

Where can you source information from regarding these guidelines?

Information on these guidelines can be sourced from the ‘CAP Non Broadcast Code’ (

The information can also be sourced from the ‘ASA Food and Drink’ website (