Reading models dev. read


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 BOTTOM-UP READING MODEL• It is a reading model that emphasizes the written or printed text.• It emphasizes the ability to decode or put into sound what is seen in the text.• Readers derive meaning in a linear manner.

TOP-DOWN READING MODEL• It is a model in which TOP is the higher order mental and BOTTOM as the physical text on the page.• It is where meaning takes precedence over structure.

INTERACTIVE READING MODEL• Combination of Bottom-up and Top-down processes.• Good readers are both good decoders and good interpreters of the text.


RUMELHART MODEL (1977)• States that successful reading is both a PERCEPTUAL and a COGNITIVE process. - Orthographic knowledge - Lexical, Syntactic and Semantic knowledge

STANOVICH MODEL (1980)• Interactive-compensatory reading model.• Readers who rely on both Bottom-up and Top-down processes are depending on: - reading purpose - motivation - schema - knowledge of the subject

ANDERSON ANDPEARSON SCHEMA- THEORETIC VIEW•It focuses on the role of schemata (knowledge stored in memory) in text comprehension.SCHEMA THEORYa. relationships among componentsb. role of inferencec. reliance on knowledge of the content

PEARSON AND TIERNEY R/W MODEL•Considers PRAGMATIC THEORIES which state that: “utterance is an action”.CONTEXT is important.INTERACTIVE ROLES:- Planner- Composer- Editor- Monitor

MATHEWSON’SMODEL OF ATTITUDE INFLUENCE•Attitude toward reading may be modified by a change in reader’s goal.Attitude has tri-componential construct:- cognitive component- affective component- conative component

