Rahel Edited


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Scene 1

• Starts off showing 3 people, sitting in a circle, with weapons in their hands and then quietly discussing the plan, We see Close ups of hands gripping weapons, Ariel shot of all three men sitting, POV shot of character looking at 2 others hiding identity, putting balaclavas on.

• we then hear them speaking slang, to show urban, ghetto, social side of our film. Discussing the plan

• We then see all 3 characters enter a car, identity covered, then speed off and enter an alley…

• Long shot of characters leaving the vehicle. Then a over the shoulder shot from all 3 characters walking towards a group of boys.

• Grime Music Fades in, face paced.

• Extreme close up of eyes to show anger and focus

• Fight breaks out between 3 characters and the group. Shots of 3 main characters being violent toward the other group to show power.

• We then see a close up, from a low angle panning up towards the characters head, we will also be using a tilt show to show difference, and create the effect of danger. We then see this character pull his hoodie down and balaclava and smile.

• We hear sirens and see in slow motion the 3 characters disperse, and the screen fades to black as we see characters disperse.

Scene 2

• Location: Holborn, Olswang

• Establishing shot of the location. In this shot we will be showing the audience a better idea of the location such as traffic, sirens from ambulances and police cars.

• we also show other people going to work. After that we do a low angle shot of the building we will be using.

• We will be hearing sound of traffic, at some points, we may add music, with low volume to keep audiences interacted.

Scene 3

• Close up shot of the character’s legs walking towards a building, this is enigmatic because the audience do not know who this character is.

• Music added to show pace of walking and seriousness.


• As character X walks into the building, X arrives to the reception and we see a mid-shot of the character with the reception in the background. The camera will also be behind the reception showing the character approaching reception, but we do not reveal the characters identity.

• Music fades away and we hear receptionist greet character X and ask questions for more info about the meeting.


• A close up of the character X’s hand pressing the button to call for the lift. We then cut to see the character leaving the lift, but still at this point we do not reveal the characters identity.

• We see the character walking out the lift and get a close up of an expensive watch. Slow motion

• Sound – classy music


• We then cut to see a shot of the character Y’s back looking outside the window, and a pan across the area outside, showing the location.

• We then see a close up of Y putting his drink down, to show class and the taking a seat on his comfortable chair, still not revealing any of the characters identity.

• Sound – deep, drum, bass to show concentration


• We cut to character Y sitting in his chair cleaning his desk. Then a cut to X fixing hi cuff links and looking presentable. We then see X walk in and at this point the camera will be in 2 positions. we see a long shot of X walking in, but a Close up of Y on the chair. Character X’s identity is now revealed. We hear the character start off the convo by saying “Boss, you called”

• We then cut to seeing Y swivel around on his chair then the camera angle changes to an over the shoulder shot from X’s position revealing character Y. we then cut to a close up of Y saying “ Glad you could make it” with a grin on his face.

• Dramatic music fades in, and we see X and Y having a conversation, laughing and pouring drinks, then ends the convo by showing a close up characters signing a document and then shaking hands.


• Then we see Y, sit back on his chair and make a phone call and sits back on his chair and pours himself a drink.

• We end this scene by using a sound bridge – a phone call, we then cut to the next scene


• We start this scene by seeing character Z looking outside the window, whilst his phone rings, only for 2-3seconds then cut to seeing a angle where the camera is level with the phone, seeing the phone ring, but with character Z in the background and then walking to wards his phone. We see him pick up the phone (this character must not in focus or identity is given away).

• At this point we see the conversation between Y and Z cut at various points undecided yet. We would see Z on the phone answering, but only his mouth his shown. We see Y at his office, talking on the phone – Dialogue is not decided.

• We hear noise from the TV in the background but not too loud that the dialogue is not herd.


• A over-shoulder shot of the view of the window whilst on the phone. But before this shot, we track this character moving from one side of the house to another (window)

• After the convo is finished we show a close up of Z picking up keys and then cut to seeing Y in a long shot, tracking backwards, smiling and relaxing.

• We then see Z walk towards the door, but the camera is positioned on the table where audience only see a door, an item is out of focus, but close to the camera, and after the Z leaves we see the item in focus (weapon of choice/Money)

• Music Fades in to build tension


• we see him walk towards a car, over the shoulder shot, then cut to a low angle of Z opening the door and now his identity is revealed, we see him enter. Start the engine, and we end the scene by showing a low angle shot of the car speeding off.

• We hear dramatic music fade in as the character walks towards his car, and when the identity is revealed, music volume is raised

Ending – S12

• Title sequence appears, showing the title.

• How ever the title has not been decided at the moment

• But it must look meet the standards of a social realism film e.g graffiti font? Or bold, dirty font.

Camera Shots

• Shots will be more detailed in Script/Screen play, our story board is showing a general idea of Our Story. We will be working on camera shots in details later on, deciding what shots or movement would have best affect on audience and also meet social realism conventions.
