Question 5 audience appeal


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How does your


appeal to your

audience?Gianluca &


This shot appeals to our secondary audience as it shows stereotypical

representations of a an interrogation, and the forms of torture are

conventional to an interrogation. The secondary audience will be pleased to

see the stereotypical conventions and they will pick up on them as their

opinion and views have been formulated from stereotypes. Furthermore they

will enjoy the action contained in the interrogation scene. Some audiences will

experience the pleasure of counter reading, and they counter read the film as

an interrogation film.

This shot will appeal as it connotes feminine emotion, and explains how we

aren’t representing our male protagonist as a typical male. Our audience will

be interested in this as they do not take hegemonic representations of how

males should act. However the secondary audience may question why he

may be acting like this.

Our audience will enjoy the realism of the violence in the film as it will shock and thrill them. Our secondary audience will also enjoy this as they will want the terrorist to be

hurt, this is due to them being passive and their views on this issue are that all ‘Muslims are terrorists’. Hopefully during the film the secondary audiences opinions will change, we can

apply the culmination theory to this to explain how over time an ideology can be presented and drawn in. Stereotypically they wouldn’t want to see the supposed villain

(terrorist) to get away free.

The audience will get information from this as it will give them awareness of what happens in society

today. The conventions of an interrogation will give accurate information of what may happen, and

therefore broaden their knowledge. However they won’t always assume that the interrogated is an

Muslim man, this is purely a stereotype which allows our film to be obvious in what we want to show.

Morley's reception analysis helps us suggest that the audience will take negotiated reading due to their

sophisticated background, they wont believe that Rory is the good guy, but they wont see the ‘terrorist’

in a positive way also. (which is what we want to show originally). Later on in the film we want the

audience to take dominant reading so that our ideology is taken in.

This shot would appeal to the audience as it shows the audience the emotion

of the ‘terrorist’ and it will make them feel sorry for him, which is what we want,

as he is an innocent man, and if you think about it he's the hero. The

secondary audience will not feel sorry for him because stereotypically they

see the Muslim man as a threat to society, and especially in the circumstances

they will definitely not sympathize.

This yell from Omar will hopefully confirm what the primary audience are thinking, ‘maybe he is innocent’, this makes them question what the narrative will be, as the obvious is now not what they thought. The secondary audience wont acknowledge this and will carry on

enjoying the film due to the action within the film. We can apply audience pleasures theory to suggest how the audience will get an emotional pleasure, where they will feel

bad and scared for the ‘Terrorist’. Moreover we can apply the intellectual pleasure as the audience will question whether the Muslim man is innocent.

Our primary audience will be glad to see that the

now known villain is running away from his fears as

they know he is a coward and doesn't’t show

typical signs of being a hero, unlike the ‘terrorist’

who sat and accepted his fears.


As a sophisticated audience their preferences to music wont be that of the mass market e.g. pop. The soundtrack within the film is probably more suited to our secondary audience as the alternative genre of music is stereotypically listened more by the younger generation. Therefore our secondary audience will enjoy the soundtrack, and will enjoy the possibility of buying the music. We could integrate synergy marketing and release a soundtrack alongside the film. This is possible as our distribution company is horizontally integrated.

Questionnaire and Production

From our questionnaire in the planning stage, we

based our production on the answer from our

target audience. Most of the choices made in

the production are from audience feedback.