Question 3


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Question 3 – What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

A film distributor is responsible for marketing a film. The aim of a distributor is to get a film and all associated products (including promotion) to its target audience.

Imperium would need a major distributor because it would be a mainstream film. This is because based on demographic research based on research done by the UK Film Council we found out that 55% of the population enjoy watching drama films (one of main genres assigned to the film) and 29% enjoy war films (a genre that we chose to represent our film because there wasn’t many to do so).

The distributor that we would want to distribute the film would be Warner Bros. UK or Paramount Pictures UK because they have both distributed other successful films in the crime/drama/gangster genre that are similar to Imperium, such as, Goodfellas and Godfather.

Rocky had a budget of $1 million but got $225 million in revenue. This is seen as a classic film. It still had quite a large budget compare to other films that became big successes despite a small budget; however this film shares the theme of working from the bottom and getting to the top just like Wilson would have to do in Imperium.

I would expect for Imperium to go to a multiplex cinema because it would have a mainstream audience. The primary and secondary audience is also over the age of 35 so it would be easily accessible if it was in a well-known cinema near them. Younger people may also enjoy the film and multiplex cinemas would also be easier for them to access.

I think that the primary and secondary audience would use YouTube so that may be a good place to advertise the film. I think that if a trailer is also put before similar films shown in the cinema would gain the film attention. We would also try to advertise on ITV because most people watch it because it has programmes that everyone can watch.
