Question 2 how did you represent social groups?


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I tried to make sure that my all my pages represented different types of social groups that would be reading my magazine. To do this I would have to make sure that it also appealed to them. Even though the main target audience for my magazine was teenage girls I also had to include certain things within it that would appeal to other social groups. This was mainly done through the use of color images and the sell lines. I had to make sure each page was consistent for this, meaning that on every page I had to keep all those social groups I was appealing to interested throughout.

FRONT COVER When trying to represent different social groups the front cover is always the most important as is what the reader sees first and it initially was what attracted them to pick it up. This is why I decided to use the colors pink, yellow and blue as they can appeal to both boys and girls and they also look good together. I also wanted my sell lines to appeal to the different social groups, as my main social group was teenage girls I decided that my main image would be of a female ‘pop artist’. But for my other images I used a variety of both males and females, so that I could create a variety of sell lines to appeal to more than just teenage girls.

CONTENTS PAGEBecause the contents page is a full run down o what the whole magazine has inside I is important to make it look as jam packed as possible. This was done like most contents pages, by putting it into categorised columns. By doing this it allows people to see which area they will be most interested in and what will appeal to them. I tried to describe each page in quite a simple way this is because my target audience is teenagers meaning they wont want to spend ages looking for something or reading the contents. As I’ve seen on many other contents pages there isn’t usually a lot of different colours, this is because it makes it look too busy and can get confusing when reading it.

DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD When deciding how I was going to present my images on the page I had to make sure that it looked fun and exciting. I wanted to make sure it still appealed to the teenagers who would be reading it so I thought by doing a collage it would make it different and fun. As I was doing this page in a Christmas theme I decided to go all out with the props and make each image different. I think that a magazine aimed at a older audience wouldn’t of used the collage idea when presenting the images, it is something you would associate with a younger audience which is why I used it to make it current. Then on the opposite page was my article. Whilst writing it I had to make sure I wrote it in a way that would appeal to teenagers and interesting for them to read.
