Pyramids: Do They Have a Different Story?


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Somnath Paul, M.Sc

All of dates between 2500BC-350CE

So, What’s the Big Deal???

EgyptSouth Americ


The Shape…

Giza, Egypt

 Teotihuacan, Mexico

Koh Ker, Cambodia

Medghassen, Algeria

Ji`an, China

?At that time?


Tutankhamen Sarcophagus


Chinchorro Sarcophagus,


The Notion…

Many Alien-historians and Anthropologists believe that Aliens have paid visits to Earth in the past, apart from the several citings of UFO.

Most of the religious texts, including the Vedic cults have mentioned about flying objects and that God resides in the heavens above.

These manuscripts are ages old and have the common feature: “Gods and Heavens” or “descended from the heavens” in association of “halo or bright back grounds”.

Science of human behavior ponders on the art of “imitation” and “mimics” as a basic human nature, grossly a primate characteristics.

Then What does the Pyramids mimic?

A Spaceship… may be???!!!

As Scientists, most of us know the physics and feasibility behind the “pointed” tip and movement.

Its part of Streamlined Motion.

Indian Sanskrit texts of Vedic Era quotes about such “flying” objects like the flying chariots of


English translation of original devnagri translation by Dayanand Saraswati (1879), “Vymaanika Shaastra” depicts the sanskrit texts of Hinduism, which mentions of flying chariots and it’s mechanistic propellers.

May be the Pyramids at Giza indicate from where the ancient tourists came from or went back

The Orion’s Belt.

To Wrap it up

Like all the ancient architecture, it tells something about the basic human behavior of the time. May be, our forefathers left us clues about our existence and we not being alone. Pyramids, diverse in location had maintained a basic triangular structure and almost all the mummies excavated from them had a common format of wrapping, comparable to a space suit. May be they were laid in wait for the visitors to come and take them away to the “heavens”. Who knows….

The guy beside you is not a descendent of our sought for neighbors.

Thank You.
