Profit With Hangouts Main Course



Profit With Hangouts Main Course How to use Google Hangouts On Air to profit in your business.

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Google Hangouts

Today’s Video Ranking Secrets

Our Disclosure. Please Read and Understand.

Google has not endorsed, reviewed or supported this training. Any

Trademarks or copyrighted names are the property of their rightful

owners and does not imply any endorsements of this product, training or

service. Names withheld to protect the innocent and the guilty. There are

no financial guarantees. We may or may not be paid for tools or services

we suggest. This information is offered only for educational purposes.

We cannot guarantee you will make money with any information or

training we supply to you. We do not know you or if you are going to use

the information we give you. Be smart and invest wisely and only after

you have completely investigated everything offered and the complete

cost financially and emotionally to you and your business. Don’t sue us.

➔ Use Google Drive Presentation (aka powerpoint) if you are afraid to be on camera.

➔ Invite someone that is known as an authority into your Hangout to help with your video.

➔ Just do the Hangout alone. You’ll get the point across and hopefully become the authority.

Making The Video

A Bob Yeager Interview - A simple Call-To-Action Slideshare - A hangout With Screen Share

Hangout Titles

Use your main

keyword in the first

part of your title.

Use the “pipe,” or

“dash,” to separate

your secondary

keyword which should

be a synonym of your

main keyword.

Hangout Titles Continued

Google has changed their keyword search

algorithm with the Hummingbird update and you

should build your Hangout titles while thinking

about this.

(Now Google is focusing on context and trying to understand user’s intent in

order to deliver more relevant results and better answers. Google has made

search more “human friendly” by making Google better at understanding

language and how people communicate.)

Use Questions or Answers that relate to your

keywords In Your Titles.

(keyword- “hot sauce.” ex. title- “The Best Uses For Hot

Sauce| Hot Sauces Aren’t Just For Wings!)

Use Your Hangout Embed Codes To Share Links and To

Embed Your Hangout on other Sites.

When Your Hangout/Video Is Embedded On Other Sites

Google Takes This As A Strong Sign Your Information Is


“YouTube Code Is To Watch The Hangout / HTML Is To Embed For Websites”




Keep Your Hangout As Short As Possible.

Respect Your Viewers Time.

Profit With Hangouts

Before You End Your Video...

Always Use A

Strong Call-To-


Continue The



(Your Website, FaceBook

Page/Group or In Your


Your Title Will Be What You

Named Your Hangout.

Your YouTube SEO...

The First Thing In Your Description Box Should Be Your Main

Keyword And a Synonym of Your Keyword In A Sentence


Use Affiliate Links, Web URLs or Other Links After Your

Main Keyword Sentence.

(You can always edit after you publish your video to

make sure your links are in the right place.)

When You Write Your Description, Try to

use 250-600 word articles that are relevant

to your video and keyword.

Include Your Social Links.

Include The YouTube URL Of Your Video At The End

Of The Description.

Your Tags Should Use Your Keyword First.

Synonym Second and Third. Your Name or

Company Name.


Use Annotations sparingly

Don’t Use Video Monetization

For Marketing Videos.

Click the advanced tab and set your location and upload date.

GEO Targeting your Hangout will tell YouTube and Google where your target audience is located. Zip Codes, Cities or States keep you in front of your Main Buyers.

Now For The Sneaky Stuff!

Embed Your Hangout on

different web properties.Embeds are a sign to Google That

People Like Your Video.

Social Proof.

Backlinks To Your Videos.

Tells Google

People Think

What You Are

Saying Is

Important. More

Social Proof.

Social Media Sites

(Digg,Facebook,etc.)Links from web 2.0

sites are being

tracked by Google as

Social Interaction.

Remove or Add “www” and “/” to Create alternative URLs

Use All Of The URLs To Diversify Your Links


The Checklist:1. Launch Your Hangout

2. Title Your Hangout With Main Keyword and A Synonym In Question or Answer


3. Prepare Your Embed Codes. (The HTML Code Is For Embedding)

4. Record The Hanout; End The Hangout

5. Head Over To YouTubea. Make Any Edits You May Need

b. Do Your Title, Description and Tags

c. Edit Your Advanced Settings

d. Main Keyword and Synonym As First Sentence

e. Call-To-Action or Affiliate Link Above The Fold

f. Use 250-600 Word Article In Description

g. Place YouTube Video Link At The End Of Article

The Checklist Continued:

6. Take YouTube URL and Create The 6 Alternate URLs

7. Take Alternate URLs and Put Into URL Shotgun To Create List Of Shortened


8. Use Shortened URLs and Give To Fiverr Service Providers

9. Buy Video Embed Gig

10. Buy Backlink Gig(s)

11. Buy YouTube Views Gig (Don’t Go Crazy. You Don’t Need or Want a Million Views)

12. Join Facebook Group

13. Grab Google Hangout Quick Start Guide

14. Join Ronnie’s Hangout Mastery Group

Final Thoughts...

YouTube May End Up Being

The Largest Search Engine One

Day. Google Powers That

Engine and Hangouts Is A Great


Profit With Hangouts

Frank Schwarz
