Production Management - Lois Goswell


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The director guides the rest of the crew in attempt to fulfil his interpretation of the film script. A director’s responsibilities include overseeing the artistic and

technical elements, as well as ensuring everyone in the crew is working towards an identical vision for the

completed film.

Directors should ensure that the film meets the criteria for the proposed age rating, and they must be

able to meet deadlines.

As a group, we will all (at some point) act as directors whilst we are producing our trailer.

The cast should be chosen so that they successfully represent the characters we have in mind. Our cast will be students in the sixth form at Nower Hill High School, which means that we

will have to organise time to film when all members of our group and actors are available.



We will all be playing a part in writing the script. It will include all of the dialogue said by the

characters, any specific camera shots we have planned, props that the actors may use and

stage directions for the actors. All of these will be typed out in chronological order for our trailer so that when it comes to filming, our

ideas are clearly laid out and we know exactly what we want to film.



The cinematographer is the director of photography who is responsible for what the

film will look like to the viewer. They must consider the frame, the type of shot, the

lighting, the camera angle and how all of these can influence atmosphere of the scene and

therefore the emotion of the viewer.

Make-Up and Costume Stylist

To ensure our actors successfully portray our teenage characters, we must make sure they

come to the set wearing the appropriate costume. To represent stereotypical teenage

girls, the female characters should be wearing make-up. To ensure the actors are prepared and

come dressed appropriately, we will need to inform them of what to wear and how to look

prior to the filming.


This is the process where all the scenes filmed for the trailer are cut and put together into the final piece. As editors we will add effects, titles

and music to our trailer, and we will also be editing the sound and ensuring that our trailer

reaches a professional standard.