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Denise Hawkes


People often procrastinate because either their lazy. Something comes up and they forget.

Your schedule can get very busy you really didn’t have time to get everything done in time.

Not procrastinating can be a very hard thing to do for many people. Others may not have a problem

with procrastinating because as soon as they get information about a new assignment at work at home,

school or in their personal life. They automatically get right to business, as for other people they give

things more time, thinking that they will get everything taking care of before it’s too late.

Then something comes up. A personal issue, a boyfriend or girlfriend wants to go out.

Their kid or kids needed to go to the hospital because they were sick or they had soccer practice. There are many reasons why procrastination happens.

It’s not done on purpose sometime things just come up and this causes an individual to lose their training of thought.

For example I could be picking up my daughter from school and the whole time I’m driving to get her my mind is constantly repeating over a list of things I have to do.

As soon as I get home I start on getting my daughter situated before I can sit down and do what I need to do.

Then my job will call me saying we need you to come in a little early tonight and that’s when my mind jumps off of what I was supposed to do to what I have to do.

Procrastination can be eliminated if some people could make to-do-list every day or make a schedule and stick to that schedule;

I believe things won’t be as complicated as they are for some people.

To me procrastination is very hard for me “not” to do but I am teaching myself to be more organized.

This is going to help me a lot so I won’t have to rush around to get a lot of things done that should’ve been done on time.
