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Archetypesof Alchemy

First Task of the Alchemist

The first task of spiritual alchemy would be to define all of life's experience in terms of cosmic relation and spiritual cultivation, every circumstance of life carefully analysed as it presents itself.

Four Chief EndsTransmutationObtaining the Philosophers StoneFinding the Exlixir of LifeAccomplishment of the Great Work

Transmutation The primary archetype the alchemist

would utilize towards transmutation would be transmuted gold. Because gold is practically indestructible it is utilized as a metaphor of the spirit. Far finer than the gold unearthed transmuted gold represents the treasure of self conscious immortality. Spiritual Gold in alchemical terms is the most perfect part of the constitution of the human spirit.

Philosopher's Stone

Within the popular mythology of the alchemist the philosopher's stone would be a stone which has the power of changing all that it touches into gold, representing the partaking of the spirits all enduring qualities, symbolizing transformation into a permanent spiritual treasure

Elixir VitaeFor the alchemist the elixir vitae is a

means to the constructive and worthwhile prolonging of life, a fluid with which to indefinitely prolong youth and existence. Endowed with the elixir vitae a spirit is born a youthful spirit and dies a youthful spirit thriving from life to life

The Great WorkThe great work would be the highest result of spiritual evolution and manifestation potenies moving from the highes spiritual plane to boundless angelic vistas

Real from DrossDross Merely the apparent

condition or material effect, the cloak of seeming within which everything is clothed, garment of manifestation which covers the character.

RealReal metal is defined as the underlying reality of each experience and its' effect upon the spirit

Reverbatory Furnace

The alchemist collects all of his or her materials from what could appropriately be termed a metaphysical or psychic labratoty which bridges physical existence with spiritual. with reference to a workshop whereby proper materials may be molded and for the alchemist this would be the the whole domain of nature, the laboratory of ones own soul.

Alchemists Definition of Thouhgt

A thought is made up of the various experiences which come upon the consciousness of the individual. Accumulated experiences impress themselves upon the underlying consciousness manifesting as a mental force or set of motions within the ethereal brain. Encompassing vibrations and frequencies the well defined motions of previous experience persist in ethereal form. An asset to the harmonious vibration of the finer form.

The Seven Forms of Conscious

Chemical CosciusnessVegetative ConsciousnessPsychic ConciousnessSimple ConsciousnessRational ConsciousnessCosmic ConsciousnessDivine Consciousness

Vegetative Consciousness

Vegetative consciousness is highly sympathetic to auric emanations while responsive to those in vibratory sympathy, thriving in association with energy fields of harmonious temperament with profound sensitivity to environmental conditions.

Chemical Consciousness

Chemical consciousness is rooted within the activities of minerals which comprise the planet, based upon an impersonal soul which graduates from stages of atomic expression. With a body of singular brilliancy wih considerable scope on the part of subjective intelligence and alive to personal magnetism embracing an impersonal soul of extensive consciousness and responsive to astral curents from the planets, the general manifesting blueprint within the ethereal plane, selectivity raising frequencies from lower to higher while entering into rappport with other entities.

Psychic Consciousness

Psychic consciousness is comprised of an electormagnetism which acts as a medium carrying vibration between electromagtic bodies

Simple Consciousness

Simple consciousness is manifested as instincts in relation to the external environment, a critical nerve center for objective stimuli and utilizing symbolism as a simple tool enabling the perceptive powers of the ethereal form to assess the ongoing mental process, enabling intorospection of collective symbolism.

Rational Consciounes

Rational consciousness would be the very nerve center of the power to reason, synthesi of the five senses and sympathetic to the external environment, the alchemical liaiison between ethereal consciousness and physical consciousness, enabling a broad field of perception in proportion to external and internal conditions, striving to report accurately upon the truth of things wholisitically.

Cosmic Consciousness

Cosmic consciousness adhering to the principle that the univere and macrocosm are manifested of a life force of their own with the souls existing within that realm represented as cells within that greater life form, exchange of information between the spirit and the infinitely encompassing consciousness

Divine Consciousness

Divine consciouness ia attained as the thought process of the etheral brain are raised to a vibratory rate sufficient to transmit such energies to into spiritual substance, enabling far vaster fields of information as well as far greater resources of energy, manifestation of a perfect spiritual body.

Raising the Vibratory Rate

The psychic laboratory or reverbatory furnace is a progression from lower base form to the boundless vistas of the angelic state, a medium which enables the constructive transmutation of the spirit. The reverbatory furnace gathers its materials from the source of all light and love., from the most interior plane by which vital rays reach out to energize all spirits manifested by their travels, from the most interior plane within which memory resides.

Celestial Correspondence

Material parameters merely the sensory medium materials are gathered from a celestial working environment which operates along principle of celestial correspondence. Such material strives to foster conditions conducive to material happiness. The reverbatory furnace controls for results , attitudes or vibrations intensified in a marked manner by which the spirit is enable to build upon the ethereal plane, enabling the vibratory rate of thoughts and emotions by which motion is imparted to the next interior plane

Alchemical Synonyms

Alchemicalsynonyms are founded upon principle of correspondence between Earth and the sky. as well as correspondence between the etherereal plane and physical plane. Alchemical synonyms are founded upon a process of one plane giving the same result to another plane. Anything manifested in any form or existence vibrates its' inner alchemical nature to some astrological rone.

The Seven Metals


Lead corresponding with Saturn attributes of lead

tend to be plodding labor, melancholy disposition, malleability, and diplomacy. Gains would be intellectual supremacy, ample reflection, and careful thought, highly instrumental in labor for the welfare of the entire cosmic structure as well as efficiency of unselfish work. Lead enables spirits to add value to the permanent part of themselves while building upon eternal qualities

TinTin corresponds with the planet Jupiter

with attributes of resistance to corrosive action. Tin pertains to the pure and noble qualities of human life, fostering conditions to live and let live while acting with pure equanimity, instrumental in the spiritual discernment to predictict the imlication of actions on the character of the individual

IronCorresponding with the planet

Mars iron is capale of great resistance with a very high melting

point while being highly self willed. Iron can never be forced to deviate permanentlyfrm the course it has chosen, furnishing man with

energy, courage, and resistance. Highly instrumental with magnetic potential, iron enables entusiasm

and elastic rebound.

CopperCorresponding with Venus copper is a

highly valuable conductor of heat and electricity while able to retain force and beocome energetic, extending to man refinement and love for the artistic and beautiful, lending a pleasing aspect to every metal with which it associates fostering friendship, mirthfulness, amiability, and conjugality while brazing and retaining magical force.

Mercury Mercury corresponds with a planet which

happens to have the same name which is referred to as the planet of the mind, the force by which the perceptions of man are unitied into a single shining concept, highly adaptable both to conditions which life engenders as well as transitional variables, immersed within the law of association while enabling the mind to keep in contact with the external environment.

SilverSilver corresonds a actually not

with a planet but with our moon. Silver is a far reaching asset in that it is instrumental in durability and adaptability, symbolic of vibrations in unison with pulsations emanating from the spiritual plane

GoldCorresponding not with a planet instead

with our sun, gold is deeply symbolic of imperishability as well as what all spirits strive to become, representing the eternal spiritual body of man as well as the vital principle of all life, foundation upon which the infrastructure of society is built, by alchemical priciples representing the perfect spiritual form

Structur of InfiniteMan Unfolding

The reverbatory furnace views events in terms of their relation to spiritual development. The reverbatory furnace delves deep below the surface to an immense organic structure which is also referred to as cosmic man within which individual souls evolve from lower states to higher states while fostering rapport with the cosmic scheme, every living consciousnes a cell within the structure of infinite man unfolding into infinite possibilities of expression.

Gold TransmutedTranmuted god further define asa

complete spiritual body built by proper states of consciousness, manifestation of all the experiences of life comprised of all seven metals, spiritual body and eternal spirit retaining the underlying effect upon character.
