Presentasjon Av Skolen med ref



comenius Å ungdomsskole

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Å ungdomsskole is a small school in the very south of Norway.

We have 134 students at the moment and 20 staff.

The age of the students are between 13 and 16.

We are a school for every- body from our part of the town.

Our facilities

Music, art, foodmaking, sport and science have special rooms to do their work in.

We also have a small library.

Other activities

During the schoolyear we have several “out of school” activities. The whole school together or only one group.

Different education

In addition to the regular teaching the students can learn how to ride a scooter, work in a “factory”, learn hunting, learn about higher education.

Normal days Science, math, Norwegian,

English, social studies, history, religions and sports are everyday education. In between we work with schools from other countries through eTwinning.

Oppsummering fra prepmøtet

I det katolske landet Italia er det lettere å få tilgivelse enn tillatelse.

Mat var viktig

Vi var veldig sosiale med mye god mat og hygge.

Arbeid og fritid

Likt fordelt.
