Practical Cases for Framing Application



Universe of reference Re-framing

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Framing ApplicationImmigration

The representation of inmigration in Spanish media*

Who? 49% men; 9% women

How many? 47% group pictures

Where? 23% street; 6% pateras

How? 12% handcuffed

*Muñiz, C.; Igartua, J.J. y Otero, J.A. (2006). “Imágenes de la inmigración a través de la prensa. Un

análisis de contenido”. Comunicación y Sociedad. Vol. XIX (1):103-128.

Framing ApplicationStructural Metaphors. Immigration

Two Metaphors to Make Sense of Immigration

Immigration = Natural Disaster

Immigration = Disease

Framing ApplicationStructural Metaphors. Immigration = Natural Disaster

Framing ApplicationStructural Metaphors. Immigration = Natural Disaster

Avalancha de inmigrantes en Valencia para llevarse gratis a casa más de 500 kilos de pescado (, 26/03/2011)

La avalancha de inmigrantes obliga a sanidad a gastar 300.000 euros en traducción sólo en Madrid (, 01/07/2009)

Prosigue la oleada de pateras a la península (Europapress, 03/10/2010)

Prosigue el aluvión de 'sin papeles' sobre Canarias (Diario de Cádiz, 01/04/2011)

Nueva oleada de inmigrantes en 2015 (La Razón, 31/03/2011)

Una marea de inmigrantes desborda los centros de acogida de Canarias (Diario de Córdoba, 01/04/2011)

Framing ApplicationStructural Metaphors. Immigration = Disease

From “Diseases sent by God” to “Diseases sent by foreign countries”

Framing ApplicationStructural Metaphors. Immigration = Disease

In Hitler's opinion the world is an ill body

causesTHE JEWS



Framing ApplicationStructural Metaphors. Immigration = Disease


ITALY Morbus Gallicus, French disease

ENGLAND Frenx pox

FRANCE Morbus Germanicus

FLORENCE Naples sickness

JAPAN Chinese disease

EUROPE AS A WHOLE New World disease

AIDS and Its Metaphors (1989). Susan Sontag: “there is a link between imagining disease and imagining foreignness. It lies perhaps in the very concept of wrong, which is archaically identical with the non-us, the alien”

Framing ApplicationStructural Metaphors. Immigration = Disease

AIDS origin as told by the USA: tropical disease

Framing ApplicationStructural Metaphors. Immigration = Disease

AIDS origin as told by Africa: CIA virus (sponsored by KGB)

Framing ApplicationStructural Metaphors. Virginity = Gift

“Women's virginity is 'a precious gift' that should not be given away lightly” says Tony Abbott (Herald Sun, 26/01/2010)

VIRGINITY = valuable objectVirginity IS AN OBJECT something, so we frame it in terms of a LOSS

“I lost my virginity” “a precious gift” “not to be given away”

Instead of,

VIRGINITY = lack of experienceVirginity IS NOTHING so we frame it in terms of NOT-DOING

Framing ApplicationRe-framing. Oslo and how to reflect democratic values

Framing ApplicationRe-framing. The contest for the best car, reframed

Framing ApplicationRe-framing. The contest for the best car, reframed

Madrid 2016 Olympic bid

Albert II, Prince of Monaco:

“London will host the 2012 Olympic Games in Europe. Shouldn't we allow a continent rotation?”

Madrid 2016 Olympic bid

Gallardón, Mayor of Madrid:

“Hemos tenido unos fantásticos Juegos Olímpicos en China, unos Juegos asiáticos; los próximos serán en Londres, serán anglosajones; y en 2016 tocan unos Juegos latinos.

La rotación del siglo XXI no puede ser geográfica, sino cultural”

Framing ApplicationRe-framing. What is the meaning of the veil?

What did it mean hundreds of years ago to wear a ring, a necklace, una esclava, a bracelet, an ankle bracelet or an earring?

Framing ApplicationRe-framing. What is the meaning of the veil?

We know the veil (as rings, necklaces, etc.) was/is a symbol of power of men over women. We did not ban veils, we re-framed them.

Framing ApplicationRe-framing. Cheap High-End or Luxury Low-End

20€ Mariscada

20€ Burger

Framing ApplicationRe-framing. A persuasive frame for a 28 year-old university teacher?

Frame to reject

ExperienceProfessional SkillsLong career

I could fight within this frame by...Wearing briefcase, glasses, suit, tieSpeak ostentatiously


Old, antiqueNot aware of the changing worldTheorist, not practical

Passion, IllusionApproachable, warmEasy to communicate withModern, state-of-the-artDigital Native

Frame to promote


Framing ApplicationRe-framing. The Gift as a persuasive discourse

Kid's point of view Mum's point of view

Framing ApplicationRe-framing. The Gift as a persuasive discourse

Kate and Anna are best friends

Kate's mother, who is currently unemployed, wonders: What should I get Anna for her 14th birthday?

Framing ApplicationRe-framing. The Gift as a persuasive discourse







Hand-made, home-made

Books, cds, socks...

Try again

Tickets for a concert, clothes...

Shoes, smartbox...

Electronic device...

Marketing Communication Objectives:

“I don't wanna look stingy but I'm on a tight budget. Besides, I don't even like Anna, she's such a bad influence for Kate. I need to buy the most expensive looking gift with the lowest price”

Kate's mother's thinking

Framing ApplicationRe-framing. The Gift as a persuasive discourse Kate's mother's


500€ iphone 400€ iphone (but still an iphone)

200€ iphone (but still an iphone)

200€ galaxy (not an iphone anymore)

100€ galaxy (but still a galaxy)

100€ nokia (not a galaxy anymore)

60€ nokia (but still a nokia)

60€ book (but still a book)

20€ book

200€+ 100€+ 60€+

200€+ 100€+ 60€+

Framing ApplicationRe-framing. The Gift as a persuasive discourse





Kate's mother's thinking

Hand-made, home-made

Books, cds, socks...Try again

Shoes, smartbox...Electronic device...

...but what about doing just

the opposite?Papabbuble

When a new product comes out, what happens to the old one?

Framing ApplicationRe-naming. Classic and Original instead of old

Framing ApplicationUniverse of Reference. Two ways of conceptualizing dreams

Goal-dream frame

Sleeping-dream frame

realist non-realist

realist surrealist

Framing ApplicationUniverse of Reference. Two ways of conceptualizing dreams

Framing ApplicationUniverse of Reference. The American dream

Framing ApplicationUniverse of Reference. The lottery

CHRISTMAS LOTTERY:● Tradition● Passive behavior: fortune● Solidarity, family, compassion, sharing● Fear of being left behind (75% of Spaniards play the lotto)

Euromillón, weekly games...● Fun, adventure, joy of playing● Active behavior, knowledge● Becoming a millionaire● Desire of playing

Framing ApplicationIssue Frames. Referendum

Who's got the lead in a referendum consultation?

The one who makes the question


1. He constructs the frame via the question

2. He always represents the “yes” answer

Framing ApplicationAnimals and meat

Framing ApplicationAnimals and meat

Framing ApplicationAnimals become meat

How do we approach to dead animals?

Pig Pork Cow Beef Sheep Lamb Pez Pescado Gallina Pollo

Framing ApplicationSalad?

Framing ApplicationPresumption of innocence

Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq

Francisco Camp's trial

Framing ApplicationBottled water: countable and uncountable

The Hour (BBC, 2011)

Framing ApplicationBottled water

The Story of Bottled Water (2010):

La venta de refrescos toca techo y nos preguntamos:¿Qué más podemos vender?

Algo que ya tienen gratis


a) meternos miedob) seducirnosc) darnos información engañosa

Who Needs it (2008, Panorama, BBC):

- No hay distinción de sabor para los catadores

- No hay distinción para la salud
