portofolio by Rina astami part 1


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A portfolio is a collection of your

work, the

representation of what

you've accomplishe

d in your field.

A portfolio can be viewed as a collection of papers and other

forms of evidence that learning has taken place.

Four Basic Processes for the Creation of an Academic Portfolio





Why a Teaching Portfolio?

To serve as supporting materials (documented evidence, specific data) of one’s effectiveness as a teacher

To document one’s teaching as it evolved over time

To obtain feedback and to share one’s expertise (mentoring, legacy of best practices)

Seven Steps for the Creation of a Teaching Portfolio

1. Summarize teaching responsibilities

2. Describe your approach to teaching

3. Select items for the portfolio

4. Prepare statements on each item

5. Arrange the items in order

6. Compile the supporting data

7. Incorporate the portfolio into the curriculum vitae

•New items are added, others are dropped.•Once each year, when the research and service section of the curriculum vitae are updated, the same is done for the portfolio’s teaching and research sections.

The portfolio is a living collection of documents and materials which change over time

Steps to a Completed Project in portfolio

Annual Portfolio Project Plan

What do you want to do and learn (goals)?

How you will reach your goals?What resources can you use?

What did you learn?Did you meet your goals?What resources did you use?What would you like to do in the future?

Cover of Portfolio

Portfolio Cover

Use a standard Acco-type fastener in a stiff 8 ½ x 11 inch binder.

No 3-ring binders PLEASE!

