Podcasting in education2


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Strategies for Using Podcasting to Support StudentLearning

Podcasting in Education

The Perceived Usefulness of Podcasting in Higher Education

Strategies for Using Podcasting to Support StudentLearningSummary…This article largely explains the growth of podcasting. Since its birth in 2004 its growth has spread like wild flowers. Adam Curry is considered the Pod Father because he introduced the technology to the mainstream. Duke University first successfully introduced podcasting (iPod) to all the freshman year students to support learning. Accordingly to the article podcasting is also used in tourism.

Students in the a tourism program had podcasting embedded into their learning within weeks. The first podcast were strictly audio, but they grew to have images and reference material. The addition on these items have helped to engage students.

RefectionI enjoyed this article because it tells about the spread of the podcasting media. We all know that when new things are introduced sometimes they are not first accepted and this article shed light on that.

Strategies for Using Podcasting to Support StudentLearning

Podcasting in Education

The Perceived Usefulness of Podcasting in Higher Education

Podcasting in Education

Summary…This article like the previous one discusses the rapid growth of podcasting's. The concept of podcasting was developed in 2000 and has quickly grown into a very versatile medium. According to the author at first sight podcasting looks the same as streaming media, but when there is a breakdown of their components and differences can easily be observed. The author also discusses the differences in opinion of podcasting in education.

One side of the divided spectrum says that with podcasting the students will be tempted to skip going to the classroom and will become solely dependent on the podcast. The other side says that podcasting is efficient for educators and may keep the students engaged. The article also states that podcasting is important to education, and that in the future it will be used in nearly all classrooms and in all education levels.

ReflectionI thought this article was interesting. I really appreciated that fact that they discussed the pros and cons. The one major con that I saw was that students might not go to class. I think to prevent that is to use the podcasting as a supplement for learning not the whole thing. Make some lesson plans around it and do not depend on it. “Educators fear that podcasted material will cause students to “skip lectures altogether,leaving professors with empty classrooms and undergraduates without the critical student-teacherdynamic”” (Podcasting in Education, 2006)

Strategies for Using Podcasting to Support StudentLearning

Podcasting in Education

The Perceived Usefulness of Podcasting in Higher Education

The Perceived Usefulness of Podcasting in Higher Education

Summary…Like in both previous articles the author discusses the novelty of podcasting. She also states that because of its newness its acceptance as and educational tool is not readily accepted. The benefits of podcasting are various and great. Podcast can be accessed on personal computers and MP3 players. Podcast can be easily shared, accessed, and can be looked at any convenience. The author briefly discusses the limited usefulness of podcasting for the hearing impaired.

The author conducted a survey to see what students knew about podcasting and if they would be open to using in classroom. After the survey it was concluded that many students did not know much about podcasting but were very open to trying it in the classroom

reflectionI really liked this article because of the survey. It actually shed light on what matters most, the students. The whole issue is whether or not podcasting is useful and effective in the classroom and whole else would know that but the students. Reading this made me feel that podcasting may only be useful depending on the students, like if you have children that are hearing impaired than this might not be as useful for your class room as it might for someone else's.

ConclusionI think that podcasting would be a great

addition to the class room as long as it is not used as a “main” source or learning. It can be great to keep students engaged. I think it is also good because it moves some technology into the classroom

Works CitedAllen, B. (2006). Podcasting in Education.

Dale, C. (2007). Strategies for Using Podcasting to Support Student Learning. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education , 6(1),