Plugins for qgis



QGIS has a large range of Plugins, commands, to visualise and analyse your data

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Go to the toolbar at the top of the screen and click ‘Plugins’ to reveal the drop-down menu

Choice of actions:

• “Fetch’ the Plugins from the repositories

• Manage the Plugins you have downloaded, i.e. to turn them on, or off again.

• See the list of Plugins you have working

‘Fetch’ - the list of Plugins and authors

Manage the Plugins that you have downloaded, i.e. turn them on

or off

NB – this list tells you where the Plugins will be displayed, in a drop-down menu or toolbar.

You will see the active Plugin menu/toolbar icons appear in a row across your screen

Example – the ‘Table Manager’ Plugin is found under the ‘Vector’ menu.

Use the Table Manager to create or delete fields in the database, or move them up/down. This is where you specify the form of data, be it numerical or text (an integer, real or a string).
