Physical education and cross fit principles


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Physical Education

and CrossFit


Objectives:Students will be able to:• Apply the FITT Formula to workout planning.• Analyze the 5 Components of Fitness as it relates to overall health.• Identify and understand the basic CrossFit terminology.

Muscular Endurance


Muscular Strength

Cardiovascular Endurance

Body Composition

5 Components of Fitness

Muscular EnduranceThe ability of muscles to perform contractions for an extended period of time.

FlexibilityThe ability of a joint to move through a full range of motion.

Cardiovascular EnduranceThe ability to do physical work for longer than 90 seconds.

Muscular StrengthThe amount of force your muscles can exert against resistance.

Body CompositionThe ratio of lean mass, fat mass, and bone density in the body.

Terminology: WOD

Terminology: AMRAP

Terminology: ChipperA workout composed of 5 to 10 movements done in order from top to bottom.


Terminology: EMOTME – EveryM – MinuteO – OnT – TheM - Minute


Terminology: Tabata:20 seconds of work, :10 seconds of rest for 8 sets; 4 different exercises will be used

Terminology: RxDoing the workout exactly as prescribed. No modifications can be made to the exercises.

Terminology: Rx+Doing the higher level workout as prescribed. There can be no modifications to the exercises.
