Photoshop process



Here, I have detailed the process I used to create my album cover.

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Using the magic wand tool I cropped away the areas on either side of the face and upper body.

I then created a layer below the image filled with black.

I then posterized the image.

I then created a brush and pattern fill. I created the words, ‘Hummer’ ‘Beats’ ‘Make’ ‘You’ ‘Feel’ ‘Good’. I then selected each word separately and set it as a brush. Then I highlighted all the words and made a pattern fill.

I made a selection on the portrait layer on the darkest region. I then selected all the similar colours. And hid the portrait layer.

I then used the brush I created earlier to fill in the gaps within the selection using a black brush.

After which I filled the background with the pattern fill I created earlier.

I gave the album cover a purple background.

And we’re done.
