Phonetics- Taller 1


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•The vocals organs situated along the

vocal tract above the glottis are called

the articulators.

The Articulatory



ACTIVE • The tongue• The lips• The velum• The uvula

PASSIVE• The upper lip• The upper teeth• The roof of the mouth

• Alveolar or teeth ridge• Hard palate • Soft palate or velum

• The back Wall of the throat or pharynx

The Active Articulators The tongue is divided into:

•The blade: (with the tip), lies opposite to the teeth ridge.•The front: it lies opposite to the hard palate.•The back: it lies opposite to the soft palate.•The root of the tongue.

The Active Articulators• The lips take four positions:

• Wide open, allowing the air to pass freely, as in /a/

• In contact, as in /p/

• Closer together, the air pusher through making a fictional sound.

• Be made to vibrate.

The Passive Articulators

The Passive Articulators
