Pedagogical resource aryan's dream


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Aryan’s Dream

Once upon a time there was a boy called Aryan. He lived with his parents and sister on a farm in a small village in India.

Aryan’s sister Laxmi would stay at home all day, helping his mother with the household chores. She was not allowed to go to school or work in the fields as all she had to learn was how to be a good wife.Their parents said she was useless to them as she was only an extra mouth to feed.

Why does everyone consider me a burden? I’m as clever and can work just as hard

as Aryan.

Like Aryan and all the other boys in the village, Laxmi dreamed of going to school too, but no one would let her. “What’s the point?” they would say. “It’s not as though she is ever going to get a job- she’s just a girl.”

He would sell the vegetables in the market and the family would live off the money he brought home. When Aryan got back home from school he would help his father on their farm, and if Laxmi ever offered to help, he would scoff at her, saying “girls can’t do that- they’re too weak.”

Aryan’s father was a farmer who grew vegetables on the piece of land he owned.

After selling the vegetables, his father would keep aside some money for the new crops. Unfortunately, there would not be much left over after that.

They were so poor that very often, the family had to go without food. His mother always tried to make sure that Aryan got enough to eat, even if it meant that Laxmi went hungry.One day there was so little to eat that even Aryan went to bed hungry.

Aryan is a growing boy. He needs his strength if he is to study and work on

the farm

Aryan was very upset that night. He could hear his stomach growling with hunger and wished he had something to eat.“It’s all Laxmi’s fault”, he thought. “She eats up everything and then there isn’t enough for me. I wish she would just disappear- girls are so worthless! I wish…”

Suddenly he heard a voice.

Tell me what you wish for, Aryan. I can

make all your dreams come


Aryan looked up and saw a genie. “Can you really make my dreams come true?” he asked.“Of course!” replied the Genie. “Just try me out!”

“Well in that case”, said Aryan, “can you make all girls disappear?” “Are you sure?” Asked the genie worriedly. “That’s a big wish. And what about your mother? She would disappear too!”But Aryan’s hunger was so desperate and his anger at Laxmi so great that he was unable to think clearly anymore.

“Well if that’s what you want”, sighed the Genie, and with a bright flash of light, he was gone.

When Aryan woke up the next morning, something seemed different. He wondered what it was. Then he realised… It was the silence. He could not hear the sound of his mother’s bangles as she cooked, or the sound of Laxmi singing as she cleaned the house.

He crept out of bed and peeked into the kitchen. It was empty and the stove was unlit. “What’s going on?” wondered Aryan. Where is everyone. It’s time for my breakfast and then I have to go to school. “Mummy? Laxmi?” he called. But there was no reply.

Aryan left for school feeling very grumpy indeed. He’d had no breakfast and had no snack to share with his friends, packed in newspaper and tied with string like he usually did. His mother always had both ready before he woke up. And what about Laxmi? He normally had to tear his school books away from her in the mornings if he wanted to get to school on time.

Come on Laxmi, I’m getting late for school. Give my book back to

me right now.

Where was everyone?His father must have left for the farm before Aryan had woken up as was his habit, but his mother… and his sister?

Was it possible…?Aryan suddenly remembered his dream of the previous night. “It was a dream, wasn’t it?” He wondered. “It can’t possibly be true!A genie?But they weren’t real. But what if they were?Had his mother and sister really disappeared?And all the other girls along with them?”All sorts of confusing thoughts whirled through his mind.“No, it can’t be! They must have just stepped out of the house. I’m sure all my friends will have a good laugh when I tell them about my dream!”

village well, drawing water for the day, no groups of ladies chatting over the walls of their homes as they worked, no girls taking the cows out to the pastures…

Everything seemed bleak and grey.

But when he stepped out of the house to go to school, he noticed all sorts of unusual things. There were no women at the

stayed up late doing homework and woken up early to cook and clean,” they replied.“Why did you have to cook and clean?” asked Aryan. “why didn’t your mothers or sisters do it?”

He met his school friends along the way and thought they all looked tired and drawn. “What’s going on, guys?” Aryan asked, “why are you looking so tired?”“You would too, if you’d

His friends looked at Aryan strangely. “Mother, sister?” they exclaimed, “what’s that?”Aryan could not believe his ears. The genie really had made all the girls and women disappear. Not only were they all gone, it seemed as though they had never existed at all. “Oh well,” thought Aryan, “it’s just as well! Life will be much more enjoyable now. After all, they are so useless that their absence will not be a problem at all!”

Aryan had never been more mistaken. When he got home from school, he was expected to wash the dishes and clean the house before taking the cows out to pasture. After that, he had to do his schoolwork.When his father got back from the farm, he would cook a meal for them, but nothing he made tasted as good as his mother’s food, and Aryan went to bed hungry almost every night.

In the mornings, he would milk the cows, eat leftovers for breakfast and pack the rest for himself and his father’s midday snack. He would rush off to school where his work was suffering as he never had enough time to get his homework done properly.

Aryan started to look as haggard as his friends and his clothes hung loosely off him as the weight dropped off his previously healthy frame.

His house took on an unkempt look as there was no one to tend to it, and when the straw on the roof blew away during a storm, there was no one but him to mend it.

Aryan had never worked so hard in his entire life. He washed, cleaned, fed and milked cows, had to mend the roof and see to the upkeep of the house, collect water from the well, wash the clothes, and generally do all the tasks previously done by his mother and sister.

It was back-breaking, never-ending work. There always seemed to be something that needed doing or mending or seeing-to, some of which was quite strenuous. And it was so boring. Day after day, the same, unchanging routine.

When Aryan went to bed one night, he found himself thinking of the strong, hardworking women of his village with a newfound respect.As his eyes closed, he murmured, “If only I could see my mother or Laxmi again,” he thought, “I would tell them how much I appreciate them. I wish…”

Just then, he heard a familiar voice.

Tell me what you wish for this

time, Aryan. Perhaps I can

grant your wish!

Aryan looked up and saw the genie. “is it really you?” he whispered.“It’s me!” replied the Genie. “What’s the matter? I thought you would be so happy, but here you are, looking so sad. I made all the girls disappear just like you said, so now what’s happened?”

“I was so wrong!” Aryan exclaimed. “I never realised how hard it was to be a girl. They do all the work and no one even thanks them. If only they would come back, I’ll do everything my mother tells me to, and I’ll let Laxmi come to school and the farm with me and, I’ll even share my food with her!”

What if you get angry someday,

how can you certain you won’t wish for them to disappear again?

“Are you sure?” asked the genie.

“I have realised my mistake,” said Aryan in a small voice. “I misjudged all girls and thought they were good for nothing at all. But after doing all the work they normally do, I have understood that they can do as much, if not more, than I can. Please give me another chance so I can make it up to them.”

Be very sure of what you wish for, for this is your last


“Well if you are certain that’s what you want”, said the Genie, and with a bright flash of light, he was gone.

The next morning, Aryan woke up and lay in bed, thinking of the long, hard day ahead. He wanted to stay in bed longer, but knew that was impossible as he had so much to do. Just then, he heard a sound that was strangely familiar. He knew he had heard it before, but could not place where…

Suddenly, he jumped out of bed and ran towards the kitchen. His mother’s bangles were making a beautiful tinkling sound as she rolled out the flat bread he so loved and Laxmi was humming a new tune as she swept the house.

“Mummy, Laxmi!” shouted Aryan, “you’re back!” They looked at him with a bemused expression on their faces as he ran and hugged both of them. He snatched the broom out of Laxmi’s hand and said, “don’t bother with that. We’ll do it together when we get back from school.”

“ Have you gone mad?” whispered Laxmi, “how can I go to school?”“With me!” replied Aryan imperiously. “I am your brother, and if I say you can come to school with me, then come to school you will.”Laxmi had never been more excited in her life, yet she was fearful too. “What if Aryan changed his mind? What if he didn’t mean it, and this was a cruel joke he was playing on her. After all, he had never done anything for her before…”

The next morning when Aryan took Laxmi to school with him, the whole village looked on, agog.

Aryan didn’t say a word- he just led her to school and sat her down in the classroom.When the teacher entered, he was surprised, but refrained from saying anything, knowing that a comment from him might frighten the girl away.

Laxmi turned out to be an exemplary student. She was clever, hardworking and loved coming to school. Although her parents were skeptical, they did not oppose Aryan, and as long as Laxmi fulfilled her duties around the house, did not protest too much.Their mother did wonder what would come of the whole venture, but was secretly proud of her industrious daughter!

Soon the other villagers, seeing that no harm could come from their girls attending school, started allowing their daughters to attend.The village schoolmaster was thrilled with the turn of events and enjoyed having such enthusiastic pupils.

When Laxmi graduated top of her class, she dreamed of going on to college. Unfortunately, the nearest college was in the big city and it took nearly two days to get there.

Knowing she would not be allowed to go so far by her parents, she accepted the schoolmaster’s offer to be his teaching assistant.

Laxmi enjoyed her job, but sometimes longed for the college education she knew she was capable of acquiring. When the schoolmaster retired, she took over as the head teacher. She would hand her salary to her father at the end of every month and listen to him repeat what he said every payday; “You can give up this job, you know. I may only be a farmer, but I can afford to support you. What will the neighbours think- that I send my daughter out to work?”

Many of her female classmates faced similar criticism at home, as they too had found jobs after school.

Aryan went to the farm and had become a typical village man, lording over Laxmi all over again. “get me this… or that” he would shout, “just because you are a teacher now, don’t think you can escape all your other work…” He had completely forgotten that it was he who had taken her to school in the first place. That year, there was a terrible drought. The crops failed and the farming community was in a panic. They did not know how they were going to survive.

Despite their best efforts, Aryan and his father could get nothing to grow on the parched land.

When Laxmi’s next salary arrived, Her father accepted it with tears in his eyes. “I kept telling you that we did not need your money, but today, I am proud of what you have achieved. If it were not for you, all of us would go hungry.”Aryan also came and apologised to her with a sheepish look on his face. “I am sorry, Laxmi, I behaved like a real monster just because I thought I was a boy and therefore better than you. You have taught me a valuable lesson, and this time I won’t forget,” he promised.Laxmi smiled, for she thought she knew her brother only too well!

The following year, things were alright on the farm again. The monsoon had come and as if to compensate for the previous year, it was a bumper crop.“It is time for you to get married, Laxmi. At least now give up your job. After all, what sort of man wants a wife who works? At least you are a teacher, and not some fancy college girl- who would marry you then?” asked her father.

Laxmi dreaded the inevitable day when her parents would find her a suitable husband. What if he never allowed her to go to her precious school ever again?

At last the dreaded day arrived. Laxmi’s mother was waiting for her when she returned from school.“Ah, Laxmi!” she exclaimed, “finally the day I have been waiting for is here. Your father has found a boy for you and you are to be married in a couple of months!”Laxmi was too stunned to reply. She knew it was inevitable, but this was like a bolt of lightning- out of nowhere!

“Who is he?” she wondered.“I hope he’s nice!”

Laxmi’s husband turned out to be a wonderful man. He was well educated, had a great sense of humour and her parents adored him. Her brother got along well with him too, but she was surprised when she overheard Aryan saying “you must allow Laxmi to carry on working. She can manage everything, so don’t worry about the household chores. Laxmi is like superwoman! She can juggle a hundred things at once and not drop any. Promise me you’ll let her work! She has worked too hard to give it all up.”Laxmi was so surprised she almost dropped the ONE thing she was carrying!

Finally their wedding day arrived. Laxmi and her new husband greeted all their guests as both their families looked on happily. One sad parent was overheard commenting that they were losing such a good teacher, when Laxmi’s husband suddenly said, “whatmakes you say that? My wife will be back at school after theholidays.” Laxmi was so happy. She was married to a nice man, and shecould work. So what if she hadn’tgone to college? She would still live happily ever after!

One year later, Laxmi gave birth to a baby girl. She and her husband vowed to give the little girl every opportunity, and a few years later, Laxmi and her daughter could be seen walking hand in hand to the school they both attended every day, along with all the other little girls from their village!Laxmi and her husband, who understood the advantages of a good education, ensured the little girl went to college, and stood proudly at her graduation. She was the first girl from their village to graduatefrom college!

• Why wasn’t Laxmi allowed to go to school?• Do you think it was right for Aryan to get more food than Laxmi?• Was Aryan able to work as hard as Laxmi?• Why couldn’t Laxmi go away to college as she would have liked? If you were in Laxmi’s place, what would you have done?• Do you think it was a good thing that Laxmi worked?• Why did Laxmi’s father want her to stop working?• Eventually, was he glad that Laxmi had a job? Why?• What did Aryan say that surprised Laxmi?• By the time Laxmi’s daughter was born, what had changed?
