Payphone second unit t ask 1a


Citation preview


Maroon 5

Harmeet Kaur Music Video


CAMERA SHOTS The first screen shot you can see that on the left hand side is a screen shot of a low point of view shot, this shot has been used in this particular moment because the guy is going through a lot of stress and he feels low. The screen shot underneath it is a mid shot of the character trying to call from a payphone, this mid shot is used so that the character and the payphone would fit into the shot also it shows the surrounding around the character. The next print screen underneath that one is a close up shot of the man, this has been used to show the expression on the man, as you can see the characters is very nervous from his factional expressions, this also shows us the characters feelings. The last two print screens on the left are establishing shots, this is showing the audience where the charter is, this helps the audience to know where the scene is set in the specific shot and tells us the exact place the charter is in. In the top left picture we can see a wide shot has been used to show where the characters is this includes everything that the audience needs to see and know about in the video.


The first print screen is of the police and the helicopters following the character to catch him, the sound here is of the helicopters In the sky, maroon 5 is sill singing in the background but you can also the helicopter in the background with it. The second print screen is from the beginning of the music video where the thief's come into the bank with gun, the sound made here was the trigger sound of a gun from the man dressed all in black. The third print screen is of one of thief's trying to shoot a person but instead the bullet hits the desk, this makes a very loud and alarming sound in the music video of the bullets hitting the desk. The fourth print screen is of when the character steals a car from a hotel assistant to run away from the police; because he is in such a rush and nervous when he turns the car to get it out of the parking slot to the main road it skids on the road, this is shown because when it does skid it makes the sound of when a car skids. Furthermore you can see it visually is as well because from the tyres there is smoke coming out. The fifth print screen is of the police car following the character in his car, the sound that we can hear is the police siren with the Maroon 5 singing in the background, this alerts the audience that the police are behind him. Lastly the last print screen as you can see is of Maroon 5, you can se that he is pressing the number buttons on the payphone, if you listen very carefully you can also hear him pressing the button on the payphone.


This print screen above as you can see is of the girl trying to hold on to the man, which shows there must be a reason why she is holding his hand; This implicates that she doesn’t want the man to go. This may be because she's scared and feels like she is in danger.

In this print screen the police cars are on fire. Something must of trigged to cause the fire. This was done by the man to stop the police from chasing him. The lighting here is very bright, this is because of the explosion on the police cars.


This music video has a love story behind it, in the first print screen you say that the character is calling from a payphone to his girlfriend. In the second print screen the characters starts to sing and tell his story; it begins with where he works which is a bank and thief's enter the bank too rob the bank, as you can see that the robbers are wearing black and stereo typical robber cloths with their faces covered, they are also armed with guns . The third print screen shows him and a girl that he really likes running away from the thief's and the police, the costumes that the characters are wearing are their office cloths but the girl is not wearing any shoes as she was wearing heels before but took them off so she could run this also implies that they were in a very big rush and in danger. The forth print screen is of the character leaving the girl he likes to save her life and put his life in risk for her, when he leaves her he says something to her but we cant here as a audience because he is singing a song in the background, also mise-en scene has been used here because the girl is wearing some dark grey make up around her lips to make it look like she has dust on the side of a her face also her hair are scruffy because she has been running so fast and so much. In the fifth print screen it shows the character driving away from the police. The sixth print screen is of the police cars colliding together and burning. Lastly the last print screen is of the character trying to call the girl but she isn’t picking up, which means he has been abounded, meaning she has left him stranded, she just used him to save his life he also says this in his lyrics of the song. You can see from what has happened to the character he has bruises and blood over his body and his cloths are gone as he is only left with a vest and his work trousers but when he left the work place he was in a full suit, he has been stranded somewhere that he doesn't even know himself. By the character using a payphone shows he's on a deserted part of the country, also the background shoes its deserted as there are no card on the motor way behind him.

EDITING In the first print screen on the left the shot has been edited to a blurry shot. This is done create a different effect towards the audience, it could also implicate that the characters life has been blurred cause of everything that has happened to him. The second print screen is of both the characters running together, this scene has been editing to slow motion, meaning that when this scene was shot it was shot of the characters running fast but they edited it to make it into slow motion; they have done this to increase the tension of the audience because the characters may have got shot. Lastly the bottom three print screens are of the beginning of the song, the four print screens show that this part of the song had a very fast cutting rate, this has been done to show the extreme tension and to drag the audiences attention.
