Pamantasan ng lungsod ng valenzuela bsed f il 3-1 2013 4


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Rubric is a scoring tool that lists the criteria for a piece of work

A systematic scoring guideline to evaluate student’s performance

Allow students to be more aware of the expectations for performance and consequently improve their performance



ANALYTIC Articulates level of performance for each criterion

Assess whether a student has done poor, good, excellent job


Always prepared and attends class

Participates constructively in class

Exhibits preparedness and punctuality in class/class work

Works well with others and is a team player

Demonstrates initiative and improvement

Seeks to understand and acknowledge others’ thoughts

Often reaches full potential if sufficiently challenged

Class assignments have something extra about them

Exceptional content knowledge

Demonstrates ability to integrate new knowledge into work

Challenges his/her own thoughts and ideas


Usually prepared and attends class

Participates constructively in class, works well with others, and is a team player

Excellent content knowledge

Completes all class assignments; occasionally adds something extra

Demonstrates initiative and improvement

Seeks to understand and acknowledge others’ thoughts

Stretches to reach full potential


Sometimes prepared and attends class

Average content knowledge

Occasionally or only challenges thought when encouraged by others

Assignments reflect average work

Sometimes an active participant in class; works well with others


Rarely prepared or attends class

Rarely participates constructively in class

Assignments are late, incomplete, or not turned in at all

Low level of content knowledge

Does not strive to reach potential.

Appendix A: Sample Holistic Rubric

HOLISTIC Does not list separate levels of performance for each criterion.

Criteria 50-59% 60-69% 70-79% 80-100%

Knowledge of forms, conventions, terminology, and strategies of literary texts

Demonstrates limited knowledge of forms, conventions, terminology, and strategies

Demonstrates some knowledge of forms, conventions, terminology, and strategies

Demonstrates considerable knowledge of forms, conventions, terminology, and strategies

Demonstrates thorough and insightful knowledge of forms, conventions, terminology, and strategies 

Critical and creative thinking skills

Uses critical and creative thinking skills with limited effectiveness

Uses critical and creative thinking skills with moderate effectiveness

Uses critical and creative thinking skills with considerable effectiveness

Uses critical and creative thinking skills with a high degree of effectiveness

Communication of information and ideas

Communicates information and ideas with limited clarity

Communicates information and ideas with some clarity

Communicates information and ideas with considerable clarity

Communicates information and ideas with a high degree of clarity and with confidence

Spelling and grammar

Several errors A few errors Some errors No errors

Appendix B: Sample Analytic Rubric





Helps the grading process become more efficient

Clarifies quality of expectations to students about their works

Students are able to assess their own work

Students can understand better the rationale and the reason for grades

Helps improvement student performance because they know what to focus on


Time-consuming Using the correct language to express performance expectation can be difficult

RECOMMENDATION: I recommend that fewer levels of

performance be included initially because such is:-easier and quicker to administer-easier to explain to students (and others)


I therefore conclude that we, as a future educator, we don’t need to despair in making or designing an instructional rubric.
