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Informative Issue No. 133 2014 - Arnis Balite · History of Arnis Professioal Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila The National College of Physical Education began as a pro-fessional

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Page 1: Informative Issue No. 133 2014 - Arnis Balite · History of Arnis Professioal Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila The National College of Physical Education began as a pro-fessional

Informative Issue No. 133 2014

Page 2: Informative Issue No. 133 2014 - Arnis Balite · History of Arnis Professioal Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila The National College of Physical Education began as a pro-fessional

History of Arnis Professioal Arnis Professional Today Curriculum Values in Arnis School of Arnis Professionals: Batch 13 - “Alibata Teachers Schedule Seminars, Training, and Workshops Graduates

Each issue features practitioners of martial arts and other internal arts, other features include historical, theo-retical and technical articles; reflections, Filipino martial arts, healing arts, the culture of the Philippines and other related subjects. The authors, publisher and owner of this online magazine are not responsible for any injury, which may result from the instructions contained in this online magazine. Before embarking on any of the physical activates described in the magazine, the reader should consult his or her physician for advice regarding their individual suitability for per-forming such activity. The ideas and opinions expressed in the FMA Informative online magazine are those of the authors or instruc-tors being interviewed and are not necessarily the views of the publisher, editor or owner of the FMA Informative. The articles are the property of the author’s that wrote them and cannot be used without the permission of the author. The FMA Informative is for the promulgation and promotion of the Filipino martial arts and the Culture of the Philippines. NO issue can be printed and Sold for Monies, without the express permission of the Owner and Publisher of the FMA Informative.

Professor Armando C. Soteco Director, S.A.P. Contact Number: (0933) 436-2090 Email: [email protected]

Dr. Alejandro L. Dagdag President, PT-SPERD (Former NCPE) Contact Number: 899-5499

The FMA Informative always hears about the Filipino martial arts or another martial art being taught in col-leges, universities, etc. However this is the first course that I have heard that just not only teaches the Filipino martial arts for credit as some others do. This course has it all, mental and physical. Professor Armando C. Soteco and Dr. Alejandro L. Dagdag have covered all the bases, and put together one of the best courses in learning the Filipino martial arts, and it is accredited. The student gets to experience and learn: Theoretical Subjects - Sports Science (bio-mechanics), Physiology of Exercises and Physical Fitness, Traumatology (first aid), Sports Psychology, Organization and Managing Competition, and Nutrition. Then on to the physical aspect: Basic (Foundation of skills for beginners), Cultural (Standard Anyo, Traditional or Clas-sical Anyo and Creative Anyo), Sport (Rules/Officiating, Mechanics and Strategies), Martial Arts (Tapi-Tapi Defense/Offense Techniques and guest styles and systems). On the physical aspect guest instructors (Grandmasters, Masters, and Instructors) are invited to share their aspects and training. This is so the student will definitely get a fully rounded experience not just on the theory of the Filipino martial arts, but on the physical aspects.So really all I can say is if you are going to be in the Philippines check with Professor Soteco or Dr. Dagdag and if the course is in session or soon to be in session, attend and learn.

Arnis Professional It was in the mid of 1971 when Professor Armando C. Soteco, met Grandmaster Remy A. Presas, the “Father of Modern Arnis” at San Beda College, Mendiola, Manila, Philippines. In their spare time, especially during weekends, Grandmaster Remy Presas, personally taught Professor Armando C. Soteco the art of Arnis, from the most basic to the most complex. Grandmaster Remy Presas migrated to the United States in 1975. Grandmaster Presas left Professor So-teco the responsibility of propagating all the more the art of Arnis while he was doing his part of introducing the Filipino version of martial arts in the United States and other European countries. When he appointed Professor Soteco as President of the Modern Arnis from 1975 to 1977, he also passed to Professor Soteco his teaching load at the National College of Physical Education, wherein Arnis is a required subject for teachers taking up P.E. major, the teaching at the Armed Forces of the Philippines where Military Police took Arnis lessons and Police Officers around the country. In 2003, Professor Soteco organized and put a School of Arnis Professionals at the National College of Physical Education, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (University of the City of Manila) in Intramuros, Manila, Philippines. However recently has changed its name to, PT-SPERD (Professional Teachers on Sports, Physical education, Recreation and Dance) under the administration of its founding president Dr. Alejandro L. Dagdag, Jr., but the objectives, mission and vision of the institution have not change instead they have devel-oped a more scientific and methodological system of its academic, sports and fitness program curriculum for the benefits of our clientele that mostly teachers from public and private schools. Professor Soteco was designated as Director of this seminar type course by Dr. Alejandro L. Dagdag, Jr., the Executive-Director of NCPE. The program is designed to prepare Professional Arnis Instructors and P.E. Teachers by providing scien-tific know-how in teaching/coaching and managing Arnis competitions.

Page 3: Informative Issue No. 133 2014 - Arnis Balite · History of Arnis Professioal Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila The National College of Physical Education began as a pro-fessional

History of Arnis Professioal

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

The National College of Physical Education began as a pro-fessional class in physical educa-tion for principals and supervisors at the Teacher’s Camp in Baguio City in 1932.

In 1935 Mr. Serafin Aqui-no, then Superintendent in Phys-ical Education of the Bureau of Education, organized classes for teachers in physical education at the Philippine School of Arts and Trades, now the Technological University of the Philippines on an experimental basis. These classes, being experimental, did not have the approval of the Director of Education and were, therefore, not given credit until 1937, when physical education was included in the curriculum of Public Schools. Mr. Serafin Aquino was fi-nally authorized to conduct classes on condition that the government would be free of any financing. So he and his supervisors gave free services and even spent for their own transportation. Teachers from the various provinces came to the city for summer training and were charged P5.00 each for the pur-chase of equipment to be used in

the classes. In 1938, arrangement with Dr. Regino Ylanan, Executive Sec-retary Treasurer of the Philippine Amateur Athletic Federation, for the use of the facilities in the Rizal Memorial Stadium with minimum rental. In joint efforts, the PAAF and the Bureau of Education took charge of the dual responsibili-ties of holding formal training in Physical Education. Each one had its own function. The PAAF was responsible in providing the need-ed equipment, facilities and the services of its personnel, while the Bureau of Education took charge of the supervision, instruction and encouragement of teachers to take up Physical Education. These combined efforts gave birth to the National College of Physical Ed-ucation. To give more incentive to teachers, the Director of Education sought authority from the Secre-tary of Public Instruction to award a Certificate to students who have completed the requirement of 28 units. By 1941 the enrollment soared to 963. The Japanese oc-cupation disrupted the classes, but in 1947, they were reopened and were held at the war torn buildings of the Philippine School of Arts and Trades. Enthusiasm over the Sum-mer School made the Honorable Jorge Vargas invite and secure the services of foreign leaders in physical education to teach during the summer term. Elise N. Nelsen of Sargents College, Boston, USA was the first foreign instructor to teach at the NCPE. Other foreign

instructors came after Elise Nelsen In 1960, due to strong demands of teachers, a Master of Arts in Physical Education was offered. The NCPE became the Marcos Sports Academy under the Ministry of Youth and Sports Development in 1979. In 1986 it became the Philippine Institute of Physical Education and Sports. And in 1993, the said institution was transferred to Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (Uni-versity of the City of Manila), a state university, thru the efforts of Dr. Alejandro L. Dagdag, Jr., the Executive-Director and restore the original name, National College of Physical Education. It was in the mid of 1971 when Professor Armando C. Sote-co, met Grandmaster Remy A. Pre-sas, the “Father of Modern Arnis” at San Beda College, Mendiola, Manila, Philippines. Sometimes, all it takes is a chance encounter between two people to impact on each other’s lives. The lessons they learn from each other are lasting remem-brances that they surely makes one beautiful story of friendship and benefits the other way. In their spare time, espe-cially during week ends, Grand-master Remy Presas, personally taught Professor Armando

Mr. Serafin Aquino

Grandmaster Remy Presas

C. Soteco the art of Arnis, from the most basic to the most complex. But, there was a passing of touch of some sorts when Grand-master Remy Presas migrated to the United States in 1975. He left to him the responsibility of propagating all the more the art

of Arnis while he was doing his part of introducing the Filipino version of Martial Arts in the United States and other European countries. When he appointed him as President of the Modern Arnis from 1975 to 1977, he also passed to Professor Armando C. Soteco his teaching load at the National College of Physical Education, wherein Arnis is a required subject for teachers taking up P.E. major, the teaching at the Armed Forces of the Philippines where Military Police took Arnis lessons and Po-lice Officers around the country. He is also instrumental in the inclusion of Arnis in Physical Education curriculum in High School students and supported the addition of Arnis in the College program when he participated in the 1989 Consultative Seminar Workshop of then Department of Education Culture and Sports (DECS), Bureau of Physical Education and School Sports

(BPESS), whose aim is to make definite and concrete P.E. activities for P.E. 1, 2, 3, and 4. The BPESS officials approved that Arnis be included in P.E. 3, with course de-scription as Individual/Dual Sport. Because the seed of love for Arnis, that planted in his heart as insatiable, he thinks of the growth and development of Arnis. Thus, in 2003, he organized and put a School of Arnis Professionals at the National College of Physical Education, Pamantasan ng Lung-sod ng Maynila (University of the City of Manila) in Intramuros, Manila, Philippines. He was designated as Di-rector of this seminar type course by Dr. Alejandro L. Dagdag, Jr., the Executive-Director of NCPE. The program was designed to prepare Professional Arnis Instructors and P.E. Teachers by providing scientific know-how in teaching/coaching and managing Arnis competitions.

Arnis Professional Today

For the information of the readers, I denounce to everyone that the former National College of Physical Education (NCPE) the legendary institution for Physical Education Teacher since 1932, is now with a new name, PT-SPERD (Professional Teachers on Sports, Physical education, Recreation and Dance) under the administration of its founding president Dr. Alejan-dro L. Dagdag, Jr., but the objec-tives, mission and vision of the institution have not change instead

we try to develop a more scien-tific and methodological system of its academic, sports and fitness program curriculum for the ben-efits of our clientele that mostly teachers from public and private schools. Our courses offers only P.E. and Sport major and master in physical education and sports and seminar workshop on different sports, concentrating on officiating and coaching with the leadership of Professor Armando C. Soteco. Some of the sports we

offer for sports specialization are basketball, volleyball, baseball, soft ball, athletics, lawn tennis, ta-ble tennis and the likes, especially ARNIS, the national martial art and sport of the Philippines embodied in Republic Act 9850, which took effect on December 11, 2009, and sanctioned every schedule of semi-nar by the NCR-DEPED (National Capital Region - Department of Education Memorandum).

Page 4: Informative Issue No. 133 2014 - Arnis Balite · History of Arnis Professioal Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila The National College of Physical Education began as a pro-fessional


Our seminar workshop in Arnis covers the following areas of discipline with some important theoretical subjects related to our sports program, Like:• Physiology of Exercise and Physical Fitness - a thorought discussion of the latet fitness concepts, gadgets and training techniques. A study of physiological mechanisms underlying physical activity, the comprehensive delivery of treatment services, improvement, mantenance of health and fitness, sports training and human adapt-ability to acute and chronic exercise/ • Sport Science (Biomechanics) - a sustematic approach to the understanding of the interrelationship of physi-cal and mechanical self-applied that influence the force and motion. It includes the study of the Law of Inertia, Law of acceleration and the Newton’s Law. • Sports Psychology (Teaching Methodology) - this area of study deals on how psychological factors affect behaviors on sports and athletics and how participation in these activities affects the athletes. Coverage of this includes social perception, motivation, group dynamics, deelopment of motor skills, leadership, aggression essential to working with teams and indiviual athletes. • Traumatology (First Aid) - discussion of the common injuries in contact sports and the prevention, rehabilita-tion as well as management of said injuries. • Nutrition and Drugs - introduce the nutritional program of athletes during training, competition and off sea-son training with emphasis on Filipino and Foreign diets. • Sports and Recreation Management - focuses on the management, theories and principles applied to sports competition. The practical side of Arnis Seminar workshop is designed to prepare physical education teachers and professional arnis instructors by providing scientific knowledge the necessary basic skills of arnis fundamentals applicable to P.E. Students and novice. It provides also skills of coaching, officiating, playing strategies and managing of arnis sport competition.The course of Arnis seminar covers the four (4) areas of teaching, from simple to complex of skills.

1. Basic - foundation of skills for beginners, for PE students and teachers 2. Cultural - standard anyo, creative and classical with dance and aerobic movements 3. Sport - explanation and interpretation of the rules of the game, mechanics and playing strategies. 4. Martial Art - teaching defense and offense techniques with or without sticks.

At the end of the course the participants’ adept to:1. Teach the basic skills of Arnis from simple to complex in the form of exercise, but unconsciously students/participants learn how to play Arnis, both in cultural aspect, sport and martial art. 2. Teach skills in different variation with or without stick has to aerobic movements, dance and other artistic execution. 3. Learn the basic motor skills of different Arnis fundamentals, and 4. Learn how to teach the four (4) areas of the over-all concept of Arnis, and at the end of the 6 days seminar workshop the participants will receive a certificate recognizing them as Arnis professional instructor.


Page 5: Informative Issue No. 133 2014 - Arnis Balite · History of Arnis Professioal Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila The National College of Physical Education began as a pro-fessional

Values in Arnis What are some of the contributions of Arnis to the de-velopment of the individual? Like other forms of martial arts, Arnis contributes to the development of physical fitness. The execution of the various skills of Arnis involves vigorous movements of the arms, shoulders, trunk, the abdomen and the lower extremities-the legs and feet. And since these movements are performed continuously and rhythmically, they provide excel-lent training for muscular strength, flexibility and cardio-respiratory endurance which are the three basic health-related components of physical fitness. In addition to this, the skill-related components of physical fitness, namely agility, balance, reaction time, and coordi-nation are also developed through Arnis. As a sport, Arnis devel-ops special abilities. Emphasis is placed on quickness and coordina-tion, and in the perfect execution of the skills. Individuals whose physical attributes and capabilities are limited can find in Arnis the satisfaction provided by competi-tion and the thrill of accomplish-

ment in skillful physical activity. A special physical benefit gained by Arnis practitioners is the training of the less dominant arm. Since Arnis employs the use of two sticks, the less dominant arm is exercised and developed, making one almost ambidextrous, and therefore more efficient in the use of the upper extremities. In addition to the physi-cal benefits, Arnis also develops mental qualities such as alertness, daringness and precision. Many techniques call for quick thinking, and split-second timing is necessary. Desirable character traits such as self-confidence, fortitude, and self-discipline are developed in the practice of Arnis. Students of Arnis who practice long and hard in order to make progress will also develop the virtue of per-severance to the highest degree. Self-discipline is necessary to master self-confidence. The acqui-sition of skills and desirable traits rest on the individual himself, for Arnis is a self-testing activity, and the student will progress at his or her own rate.

Creative ability has unlim-ited potential in Arnis. This is be-cause the putting together of vari-ous possible combinations to come up with an Anyo form or sparring routines require imaginative and creative talent. Through this expe-rience, the Arnis enthusiast devel-ops understanding of symmetry, continuity, coordination, balance, and timing in the execution of striking and blocking maneuvers. Quickness and fluidity in maneu-vering the body; split-second tim-ing in the wielding of the stick are the ingredients for creative effort in Arnis. And from which one can experience the grace, beauty, and essence of this martial art. Just as Judo and Taekwon-do are associated with the Japanese and Koreans, respectively, one word that distinctly has reference to the Philippines and the Filipi-nos is the word “Arnis.” This is because Arnis is a genuine compo-nent of our cultural heritage. It is possible that the Filipino who will take up Arnis will find an answer to what an eminent Filipino scholar termed, “the search for national identity.”

School of Arnis Professionals Batch 13 - “Alibata

March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 and April 6, 2014 Sunday Classes Only 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Professional Teachers in Sports, P. E. Recreation & Dance ( PT-SPERD)

(Former NCPE-ICPES) Our Lady of La Paz Parish Center, Makati City, Philippines

Areas of DisciplineSports Science (Bio-Mechanic) Arnis 1 (Basic Foundation for Education) Physiology of Exercise and Physical Fitness Arnis 2 (Cultural: Standard, Classical, & Creative Anyo) Traumatology (First aid) Arnis 3 (Sports: Sports Rules/Officiating, Sports Psychology Mechanics for Competition) Nutrition and Health Education Arnis 3 (Sports: Sports Rules/Officiating, Organization and Managing Competition Arnis 4 Martial Art: Self Defense/Offense Techniques

Professor Armando C. Soteco Lecturer on Basic Arnis

Punong Lakan Garitony Nicolas Lecturer on Cultural Arnis

Grandmaster Fernando Abenir III Lecturer on Martial Art

Punong Guro Steven K. Dowd Lecturer on Teaching

Concept of Arnis in Different Systems

Professor Hadji Tejada Lecturer on Sports Arnis

Dr. Alejandro L. Dagdag Jr. Lecturer on Sports Science

and Sports Psychology

Page 6: Informative Issue No. 133 2014 - Arnis Balite · History of Arnis Professioal Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila The National College of Physical Education began as a pro-fessional

Professor Leo Robert Viajar Lecturer on Traumatology

Professor Alma Dulce Tenorio Lecturer on First Aid

Dr. Crispin Duka Lecturer on Sports Management

Professor Renato Meneses Lecturer on Organization and Manag-

ing Sports Competition

Dr. Susan Mercado Lecturer on Nutrition and Health

Professor Jessie Litapon Lecturer on Physiology of Exercise

And Physical Fitness

February 2014: 23rd - 8:00 - 12:00 nn - Orientation / Registration 1:00 - 5:00 pm - Introduction to Basic Arnis - Professor Armando C. SotecoMarch 2014: 2nd - 8:00 - 5:00 pm - Arnis: Basic Skills (1 - 12) - Professor Armando C. Soteco9th - 8:00 - 11:00 - Physiology of Exercise and Physical Fitness - Professor Jessie Litapon Nutrition and Health Education - Dr. Susan Mercado 12:00 - 2:00 pm - Teaching Concept of Arnis in Different Systems - Punong Guro Steven K. Dowd 2:00 - 5:00 pm - Sports Science and Sports Psychology - Dr. Alejandro L. Dagdag Jr.23rd - 8:00 - 12:00 nn - Traumatology - Professor Leo Robert Viajar and Professor Alma Dulce Tenorio 1:00 - 5:00 pm - Arnis: Sport & Rules - Professor Hadji Tejada30th - 8:00 - 12:00 nn - Organization and Managing Sports Competition - Professor Renato Meneses and Dr. Crispin Duka1:00 - 5:00 pm - Arnis: Martial Arts (Defense / Offense Techniques) - Grandmaster Fernando Abenir IIIApril 2014:6th - 1:00 - 5:00 pm - Program and Awarding of Certificates


The Different Seminars, Training and Workshop of Batch 13 Alibata

Professor Armando Soteco teaching the Basic Arnis.

Punong Guro Steven Dowd teaching different concept of Arnis in different system.

Grandmaster Fernando Abenir III teaching Martial Art defense/offense technique.

Professor Hadji Tejada teaching sport Arnis.

Page 7: Informative Issue No. 133 2014 - Arnis Balite · History of Arnis Professioal Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila The National College of Physical Education began as a pro-fessional

Professor Jessie Litapon teaching physiology of exercise and physical fitness.

Dr. Susan Mercado teaching Nutrition.

Dr. Crispin Duka teaching sports management and student participants of batch 13.

Professor Renato Meneses teaching organization and managing competition.

Professor Leo Viajar teaching traumatology.

Professor Alma Tenorio teaching first aid.

Dr. Alex Dagdag teaching sports science and sport psychology.

Punong Guro Steven Dowd with student participants.

Page 8: Informative Issue No. 133 2014 - Arnis Balite · History of Arnis Professioal Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila The National College of Physical Education began as a pro-fessional

Armand Aton Teacher Cavite State University Imus Branch

Cavite City

The participants after completing the 48 hours Arnis seminar Batch 13 Alibata received their certificate.

Angelito Aquino Teacher Sapang Palay National High School

San Jose Delmonte, Bulacan.

Alex Burac Teacher Pinagbuhatan High School

Pasig City

Rodolfo Calindong Teacher Moonwalk National High School Paranaque City

Argel Barrientos Teacher STI College Quezon City

Graduates Batch 13 Alibata

Graduates are in Alphabetical Order

Page 9: Informative Issue No. 133 2014 - Arnis Balite · History of Arnis Professioal Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila The National College of Physical Education began as a pro-fessional

A Practical Introduction to Arnis in 12 Easy Lessons Revised Edition By Armando C. Soteco A book used at the School of Arnis Professionals at the Professional Teachers

of Sports, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Inc. (PT-SPERD) former (NCPE)

The program is designed to prepare professional arnis instructors and P.E. teach-ers by providing scientific knowledge and skills in teaching, coaching and managing competitions.

To order, please contact: Professor Armando C. Soteco 37 Kagitingan St. Muzdn, Malabon City, Metro Manila, Philippines 1479 +63 (0933) 436-2090 Email: [email protected] Price: $16.00 USD Contact: Professor Soteco for shipping & handling fees Postal Money Order preferred outside the Philippines.

For inquiries or enrollment fees, class schedule and venue contact:Professor Armando C. Soteco 37 Kagitingan St. Muzdn, Malabon City Metro Manila, Philippines 1479 +63 (0933) 436-2090 Email: [email protected]

Admission Requirements: 1. Any Bachelor’s degree holder or undergraduate and/or: 2. P.E. Teachers 3. With Basic knowledge in Arnis 4. Arnis Trainers/InstructorsVenue: PT-SPERD former NCPE

1. La Paz, Makati City 2. Sto.Cristo Elementary School, Bago Bantay, Quezon City

Note: Arnis Seminar will be conducted every month of February to March or by special arrangement of schedule with at least 20 or more participants.

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School Submission The schools listed teach Filipino martial arts, either as the main curriculum or an added curriculum. If you have a school that teaches Filipino martial arts, or you are an instructor that teaches, but does not have a school, list the school or style so individuals who wish to experience, learn and gain knowledge have the opportunity.Be Professional; keep your contact information current. - Click Here

Event Submission Submit your event whether - Seminar, Workshop, Training Camp, tournament, or Gathering - Click Here

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