Open vs. Closed: The New Mac vs. PC?



A look at Open vs. Closed educational resources, from two elearning professionals in the midst of working with faculty to use technology.

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Open vs ClosedEducational Resources

“Open” is…

Content isn't hidden behind a password

Freely available

Can be modified to meet your needs

Pay for extended features

“Closed” is…

Password protected

Can be local, or in the cloud e.g. Google doc that only your

collaborators can see

Often is licensed with a fee


Teaching science class?

Example from open content Protein Folding Khan Academy – Mitosis

Publisher course cartridges Biology MyChemLab 

Presenting Content

You are teaching an OL course & one of the core learning outcomes for the course centers on students synthesizing and presenting content. 

Options: Post to a discussion board Post to YouTube or SlideShare Online Poster Session

Collaboration – Discussion A class discussion about increasing


Options CMS/LMS discussion board Twitter Google Wave Blogs with comments

Collaboration – Projects Students in your meteorology class

are conducting research on changing weather patterns.

Options CMS/LMS workspaces Google Docs, Dropbox Wikis (e.g. Wikispaces) Blogs (e.g. Blogger, Wordpress)



A nursing student struggles to balance class, clinicals, a job, a teenager To do lists, calendars, notes

Options Outlook, with phone sync Google Calendars Remember The Milk SimpleNote, Notesync, etc.

Research Sources In the aforementioned meteorology

course, you require students to gather information from a 'variety' of sources.

How do you define variety and what do you teach your students about the different types of informational/research sources available? Journals Google Scholar Wikipedia Wikis/Blogs 


A biology mid-term A weekly reading quiz

Options CMS/LMS Assessment Tools Respondus QuizStar Hot Potatoes

Where do we go from here? Which approach meets the

needs of your class?

Time search costs learning to use

Support: For you For your students

Where do we go from here? Legal issues

Student learning

Information Security concerns

How to behave, how to be safe online

Where is home base?



Sara FrizelleEverett Community

Marc LentiniHighline Community

For Further Reading

The Genius of "And", John Mott, Educause Learning Initiative 2010 Annual Meeting

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (OER)

Cape Town Declaration (FAQ is useful for definitions)