New media in the classroom


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What Can Happen?

Students can learn “From” new media.

Students can learn “with” new media.

Classroom Settings


Sitting down

Teacher always talking


• Interactive

• Hands on

• More visual learning style

Learning From New Media

1)exposing students to messages encoded in media and delivered by


2) assuming that students perceive and encode these messages,

3) requiring a response to indicate that messages have been received,


4) providing feedback as to the adequacy of the response.

Incorporating New Media in the



Incorporate New Media in Class rooms with different activities.

Find exciting but helpful new media tools for the students.

Let Students interact with the Sites.


Over Load Students with to

much information

Learning With New media

greatest effectiveness when they are applied within constructivist

learning environments.

empower learners to design their own representations of knowledge

rather than absorbing representations preconceived by others.

Using multimedia construction programs as cognitive tools engages

many skills in learners such as: project management skills, research

skills, organization and representation skills, presentation skills, and

reflection skills.

How the public feels

"Many social media advocates have argued that the use of these tools in classroom settings could greatly enhance interaction and learning and assist shyer, more reserved students in becoming more involved, as has been seen in other online environments,“~ Susan Barnes,

Computer-based technologies cannot be regarded as “media,” because the variety of programs, tools, and devices that can be used with them is neither limited to a particular symbol system, nor to a particular class of activities...... In this light, “the computer” is in fact a “multifaceted invention” of many uses, a symbolic tool for making, exploring, and thinking in various domains. It is used to represent and manipulate symbol systems – language, mathematics, music – and to create symbolic products – poems, mathematical proofs, compositions. (Salomon, 1992, )

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