Need for IT Compliance



In this presentation you will get to know how “Information Technology” is an indispensible part of any business ; more with advent of online business and e-commerce how can be benefitted with the right knowledge of Information Technology. To know more about Welingkar School’s Distance Learning Program and courses offered, visit:

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Need for compliance

Journey of Information Technology

•collection and collation of data in a structured format

•used for business accounting

Business accounting

includesinventory accountingfinancial accountingmanagement accounting

data entry era data processingelectronic data processing

use of information technology

information from several departments were collected and sent to EDP with structured forms and formats

programs were written to process these data

• produce the desired reports or outputs as required by the user group.

phase of the technological entry

Regulated by the technology bodies that created standards

specifications for the developers of the hardware components such as memory chips , processors , assemblers

write programs on these processors, compilers for the interface programs and device drivers.

advancement in IT technology

internet due to which the use of computers and application has been used at multiple locations.

changing technology and emerging regulation has led to the need for governance over the Business IT

IT infrastructure

necessary features that can be used for operational controls.

interfaced by human who have inherent natural processing capabilities can use business IT

abuse and misuse IT


Science is always known for its discipline always controlled by certain postulates that have created procedures for doing experiments

identifying the list of tools or infrastructure required list of consumables that will part take in the experiment

gathering or observation during the experiments are always recorded in structured tables.

process of meeting the end objectives of the experiment table is done through calculations that used formulae is a processing control

inference that leads to results and conclusion comes from the human interface on the subject giving rise to material statements


application of these sciences and the rules come as procedures and output measures as specifications


definite measurable input and output.


helps in providing a control framework

level of compliance

provides an assurance framework

degree of assurance

sets the pointer to show the scale of reliability of the level of trust that can be put forth while dealing with an enterprise.

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