Narrative Writing



The basic elements in telling a good story.

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Why do we tell stories? What makes a story great?

enca,sulateinformation, knowledge, context, and emotion.--D!" N!r#$", !"#$% !&' M&() U% S*&r'


Stories are important cognitive events, for they

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Yau Hoong Tang

N!!" D!#$%&'? U!" #$" RENNS M%&"'

R%$&!"& Why did something happen? Why did someone do something?

Why did something happen? Why did someone do something?

Why did something happen? Why did someone do something?

Why did something happen? Why did someone do something?

Why did something happen? Why did someone do something?

E'$#()%& How did it happen? How did someone do something?How did it happen? How did someone do something?How did it happen? How did someone do something?How did it happen? How did someone do something?How did it happen? How did someone do something?

N$#%& Who was involved? Where did it happen? Who was involved? Where did it happen? Who was involved? Where did it happen? Who was involved? Where did it happen? Who was involved? Where did it happen?

N*#b%r& When did it happen? How many were involved? When did it happen? How many were involved? When did it happen? How many were involved? When did it happen? How many were involved? When did it happen? How many were involved?

S%"&%& hearing (auditory)

sight (visual)

smell (olfactory)

touch (tactile)

taste (gustatory)

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R!%'+. C0!r!)"$r(1_milano

light and dark, shades and hues, visible shape and appearance



The restaurant was shaped like a big bottle, though squatter than a real bottle, and on its cap was a revolving figure of a grinning boy holding a hamburger aloft. --J!+,% C$r!) O$-%&, “W.%r% $r% +!* G!/"0, W.%r% .$v% +!* B%%"?”

Thomas Hawk

S.$--Often used metaphorically

Andrew Morrell Photography

...I remembered clearest of the bedroom smelled of the lumber it was made of and of the wet woods whose scent entered through the screen. --E.B. W./-%, “O",% M!r% -! -.% L$1%”

James Jordan

Gustatory, detecting flavor--related to smell



...the walking boots that taste of Atlantic and Pacific salt...

--R!b%r- Fr2-, “A R%,!r3 S-r/3%”


...there came to my ears a low, dull, quick sound, such as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton.... It was the beating of the old man's heart. --E30$r A))$" P!%, “4% T%)) T$)% H%$r-”

alvaro tapia hidalgo


emotion (tension, reactions)

Tactile experience and


You grasp the bark by a rugged pleat,And look up small from the forest's feet.--R!b%r- Fr2-, “O" G!/"0 U""!-/,%3”

ben matthews

Ir! G-!((: A S"+r/’( B*#-'#%& B-+)1(

713 Avenue can feel through its form [that it's] inherently like

being on a train that has a destination...and that

you're going to find something..." --Ira Glass

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Robert McKee’s C+..!%'.$%"( +f ("+r/"$--#%&


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+*" +f "0$ ,r+"!&+%#("’( 0!%'(

2+* S0!-" N+" M!1$ L#f$ E!(/ F+r 2$ Pr+"!&+%#("

!"# $%&'( )"( #$+ f&'$+ .0$(+r0 "r $#r1r-$+practicalowl

H!v$ ! &+' -#1$ 1%+w-$'&$ +f /+*r *%#v$r($

U"! C&'#()*%+ R,%-!r .,/ C&'#(*$,%*&/

Thuany Gabriela

2"3 S.)-! T)4$ Y"3r C.)r)'!$r% T+ 2$ E%' Of 2$ L#%$emma.c

2+* S0!-" N+" Wr#"$ O% 2$ N4$ D#!-+&*$B Rosen

()* S+$&# Dr()(#*" (%,! -./%#%),

My Melting Brain

(#.*-!"$ !%' "+ %&"'%r$. --C./( & D$" H%$-., M&+) ', S'"-(

Stories have the amazing dual power to
