Nadya aunt die


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Table of contents

• When She Died• What Her Two Dogs Names Are• What did she draw• What is her favorite color• Fun Facts

When She DiedHow did she die in 2013? She died very early because she was very, sick so she needed to take an elevater that was, in her house.

Two dogs namesMy Aunt Die got her two dogs when she was 20 or 31. The dogs names are Sandy and Franiky. They are very playful, sweet, and cute. Sandy loved me so she went where I went, so I could pet her. Franiky was a very lazy dog and he loved me like Sandy did. They also loved to take a ride in the elevater when we need to go upstairs or play upstairs. They are twins. Franiky was the boy and Sandy was a girl. When I walked through the door Sandy and Franiky would start jumping on me all the time. Then I would go to the couch and fall. They got painted in a pictured that my Aunt Die drew.

Her favorite colorIs pink her favorite color? Is black her favorite color? Is blue her favorite color? She has a lot of favorite colors but her most favorite color is pink and blue. There was light blue all over the floor in her house.

What she drawWhat did my Aunt Die draw? My Aunt Die had drawn a lot of Pictures but the one I liked the best was the one with the dogs in it. When she died the picture that she painted of her two dogs was at her funrel. It was very sad that the two dogs died in 2012.

About the AuthorThe Author of this book is Nadya. She is in third grade. The Author picked this topic because her Aunt is nice.