My arts journey alex_j_edcu11021


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My Arts Journey

When asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would reply “A pop-star.”

Little did I know- my dream career would slightly change...

Created by Alex Jesshope.s0240628


“When someone can craft a song that cuts right through to the essence to what it is to be alive, it’s a rare and beautiful thing to listen to. My favourite singers and song writers are the ones who have the courage to say the things we’re all a little too scared to say. The ones who somehow drag all our flaws out into the light, and in doing so reveal their beauty”-Missy Higgins.

The first time I connected with music was with It’s so quiet, by Bjork, I would perform dances to the song for my family and attempt to sing the lyrics. This began my life long connection to music and the arts.


Throughout my childhood I loved performing on stage. From grades 1-4 I was involved with ‘mime shows’ and loved every minute of it. The excitement of being on stage and presenting a dance or skit was so addictive. As I grew up I found this to be helpful in my physical development and practicing of various skills.

Particularly for fine and gross motor skills, dance and movement encourages development and learning to occur in the early years of school.

Growing up I was involved in various dance programs which developed my passion for music and the Arts. I was in my first musical at the age of 8 and knew that I wanted to pursue a creative career.

Dinham (2011) states that by combining music and other art forms such as dance, percussion or singing, it enhances the storytelling element of music.


Music has always been a huge part of my life. Being part of the vocal program in high school gave me the opportunity to perform at most major school events.

I gained knowledge of stage presence and the importance of working with the accompaniment. High school was the highlight of my musical experience, but once I moved on from it- it was different. My connection with music changed.

Festivals andConcerts

Music festivals became my main musical adventure. Singing along with the performers and the audience was a thrill. The excitement and passion at events such as these are a reminder of how music unites people and allows them celebrate their love for it.

My singing and performing was reduced to lonesome car rides with Triple J blaring and music festivals and concerts.

My taste in music broadened after high school, as I was exposed to more variety. Before I never would have considered mainstream music and radio stations, but as I listened to it, the more it grew on me.

As dance and electronic music were introduced to me, I connected with it in such a strong way. It reminded me of the layering in music and the influences of the instruments, vocalists and digital enhancements can have on the emotions in the song.

My mother has had a huge influence on my arts journey as her knowledge and experiences of the arts allowed me to explore various galleries, resources and media. Her passion for quirky and bold art as inspired me greatly.

Fairy Tree- Melbourne Botanical Gardens.

Street Art- Melbourne Flinders Mall.

My exposure and experiences with visual art changed dramatically after I left home. Without my mothers interest and passion near, I have now found myself needing to make my own path in the arts...

Pinterest, photography and blogs are developing my interest in digital art forms. Particularly for a classroom this would benefit students learning through art.

Ohler (2011) identifies media literacy to be more than a facility or option, so students must understand digital technology to actively participate in the media culture as viewers and creators.

As art forms develop and change in time, their presentation and use become more versatile.

Phone or tablet applications allow drawing, editing and creating to happen almost anywhere.

I love having the power to take photos and edit lighting, zoom, merge to give them a different feeling.

I have grown up through and with Arts my entire life. I have always loved being either side of the camera...

And doing anything a little bit crazy...

And now I have the power to use it these things to my advantage for my future students, so they can do the same.