Music magazine contents page



this is an analysis of magazine contents pages NME and Q

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Music MagazineContents Page

NME Contents Page

Large main image

Text is ordered into categories and there isn't to many fonts. Colour

scheme and fonts are kept the same as the front cover to show consistency.

Borders behind white text to make it stand out.

layoutO Large central image of one of the main

stories catches the readers attention and breaks up the text.

O Text in columns makes the writing easier to read, allowing the magazine to keep the audiences attention.

O Mast head of title at the top to kept consistency.

O Page numbers on stories to allow the audience to find the pages they are interested in easier.


There is only one large image on the NME contents page. It is in contrast to the cover image as it uses a building rather than a person, which show it is advertising a different story. The image is a low angled shot, to show its importance.

Colour Scheme

The colour scheme is the same as the cover, this is called its house style. NME uses black, white and red as its main colours with some brighter colours used for significant text and also buttons and selling lines.

Q contents page

Large image of a main story. Also smaller image to help advertise other stories

Mast head also used in contents page.

Listed stories under headings and given page numbers.

Colour scheme kept to house colours

Fonts similar to cover

LayoutO Mast head in top left of page to keep

consistency along with contents wrote across the top with a black banner to make the text stand out more.

O The text is in columns on the left hand side of the page which makes the text easier to read.

O There is a large image that takes up most of the page attracting the audience and breaking the text up allowing the magazine to kept audience attention.


There are two images a large one that shows the cover story keeping consistency and also a smaller one with shows another important story from the magazine. The image is slightly low angled to give a feeling of importance.

Colour scheme and Font

The contents uses the house style to make it easier to access and read to audiences. The house style is black, white and red, which is affective in magazines that use rock themes.

The font is similar to the front cover using only a few different font styles, the fonts on banners are the same making in easier for the audience to read.