Michel de certeau making do


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Making DoMichel de Certeau

definition of making do: to survive, get by with or use whatever is available

Work and Leisure -> These two areas of activity flow together. They repeat and reinforce each other and distinction of behaviors cannot be divided into only place.

- When cultural products are analyzed according to system of their production, geography of their distribution and situations of consumers in that geography they are no longer data but shaped in minds as user practices.

The question is, then, what do consumers make of what they absorb, receive and pay for?

The child makes a space for himself and signs his existence as an author on it by using the schoolbooks.

The television viewer cannot write anything on it and he becomes the pure receiver. Therefore, in user - appliances relationship, appliances no longer need him in order to produce themselves.

Natives colonized by Spain made the dominant order function in another register, they diverted it without leaving.

Language is something geneLanguage is something generally popularized by authorities giving certain rules and regulations to it, but the consumer cannot be identified by the newspapers or commercial products that authorities assimilates. (effort of generalization)

“In the case of consumption, one could almost say that production furnishes the capital and that users, like renters, acquire the right to operate on and with this fund without owning it.”

Knowledge of language is “speech acts”

As Bar Hillel’s work unveils; the references of words and sentences cannot be determined without the knowledge of the context of use. (all products should be examined in their context of use.)

Language means something only with the act of speaking.


1 Statistical study is satisfied with classifying, calculating and tabulating cultural practice. “Hence, such study can group only the material used by consumer practices”, but answer to ‘how’ is a complete blank.(making do)

- The computations is strong in their ability to divide, but that’s all.

- What is counted is what is used, not the act of using.

- “The p- “The practices of consumption are the ghosts of the society that carries their name. Like the spirits of former times, they constitute the multiform and occult postulate of productive activity.

2 Trajectory - ”It suggests a temporal movement through space (the unity of diachronic succes-sion of points”, not “the figure that these points form on the space.”

Strategy: He describes a strategy which is the calculation of power relationships (a business, an army, a city etc.) which are all authorities and rule determiners. Every strategic rationalization seeks first of all to distinguish its “own” place from an environment.

Tactic: A tactic is a calculated action determined by the absence of a proper locus. It takes advan-tage of opportunities and depends on them. (making do) It is “an art of the weak” . “A tactic is determined by the absence of power just as a strategy is organized by the postulation of power.”

In sum; strategies are systems and totalizing discourses, tactics are interventions which trans-forms into a favorable situation.

He narrows them down and claims that they could be distinguished according to palce and time.


“Dwelling, moving about, speaking, reading, shopping, cooking are activities that seem to corre-spond to the characteristics of tactical ruses and surprises, clever tricks of the ‘weak’ within the order established by the ‘strong’,...”

This comes from the tactical nature of consumers and their everyday practices.

“The procedures of this art can be found in the farthest reaches of the domain of the living.”

“Consumers are transformed into immigrants” in this concept. Tactics have begun to wander ev-erywhere in space. “Practices shaped by tactics have every chance of surviving the apparatus,” and they are also a major part of the social life and “all the more resistant because they are more flexible and adjusted to perpetual mutation.” (tactics adapt to new circumstances of strategical changes)


“It is evidence, evidence which can only be fantastic and not scientific, of the disproportion be-tween everyday tactics and a strategic elucidation. Of all the things everyone does, how much gets written down? Between the two, the image, the phantom of the expert but mute body, pre-serves the difference.




Cultural techniques camuflage economic reproduction with;

1. Event

2. Information

3. Promotion

- A North African living in France with a low income ‘without leaving the place where he has no choice but to live’ he establishes within it a degree of plurality and creativity. By an art of being in between, he draws unexpected results from his situation.
