Magazine planning lorida


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ProposalFor this piece of coursework I have chosen to do a Music Magazine as there are a lot of people in particular teenagers, who have a wide interest in music. The target audience are male and female teenagers and young adults aged 14-25. Although it may attract females more as many of these types of magazines include a lot of pages on fashion. The reason for this target audience is because they are mostly interested in the music world and like to keep up to date with new singles, new artists and their lifestyles. The magazine will be published monthly, which is convenient for the target audience as it is more affordable.

The social class for the magazine will be B-C2 as the magazine will be written in simple English therefore the language will not be very complex to understand. The existing products I will be researching are music magazines similar to the one I want to do which is also a music magazine for Hip Hop music and RnB such as the well known magazine: NME. The research that I will conduct on these magazines should hopefully be very useful as it will give me a clear idea of what I want to include in my magazine.

Features of my magazine will include a main picture of a new Hip Hop artist where she has won an award and she wants to be famous therefore she will be in the magazine, this will be appealing to the target audience because they will want to know what’s new in music. The features of my magazine will include a main picture of a new Hip Hop artist. The picture could be taken when she/he has won an award and this will be on the front cover which I believe will be appealing to the target audience as they would want to know who’s the newcomer. The title will be big and bold in order to catch the audiences attention. I will also add a few sell lines around her/him, but it will not be overcrowded as I don’t want to make it look complicated and the audience wont know what to focus on. My magazine will be published monthly so that its affordable and the estimated amount I would charge would be about £2.30-£3.00 as the social class is B-C2

My magazine will be published by IPC Media as they are very well known and a highly rated magazine publisher. They are also known to publish various Music Magazines therefore people would be more likely to see the magazine as well as other magazines with the same genre as mine.

Key ConceptsCodes And Conventions My magazine will include a big bold title to attract the audience and also to make it clear what magazine it is so it will make it easier for them to find it if they are looking for it in a shop. The front cover of my magazine will also include a main picture of an artist perhaps posing like a pop star. There will be sell lines around her/him which will not be in very big font and I will not have too much because it will make it look complicated and the audience will not know where to look and what to focus on.

Audience The target audience I have chosen are teenagers and young adults between the ages of 14-25 as they will most likely have a wide interest in music and find top ten singles, news about their favourite artists and new newcomers very entertaining!

InstitutionMy magazine will be published by IPC media as it is amazingly known and it creates very successful and well known magazines and other products. IPC Media is a consumer magazine and digital publisher in the United Kingdom, with a large portfolio selling over 350 million copies each year so people know about it and it might be that the magazine will become more popular and well known.

Representation My magazine will include a confident looking person on the front as I want the message to be conveyed that the magazine will be full of confident and successful artists. The magazine will be very entertaining as it will include exciting news that will be revealed each month, hence this should grab the attention of the target audience. The music that will be included inside the magazine will be mostly RnB, Hip Hop, and Rap with famous artists such as Rihanna, Dr Dre and many more. The colours will mainly be White, Black, and Red as I think that these colours will stand out and be very eye-catching.

MastheadThe masthead of a magazine is the title of the magazine on the front cover therefore this magazine is called ‘Vibe’ which is quite catchy to the audience because if you have the ‘vibe’ to do something it is a positive reaction. It also links to the fashionable music because the word vibe is pretty cool. It is behind the main imagine but it is still catchy and clear to read also the magazine is so well known that people now know which one it is and they don’t need to make it as clear. The colour goes very well with the rest of the magazine but t is written in big writing and bold to make it stand out.

Main Sell Line“He’s free but is he good? The untold story of Busta Rhymes” - this is the main sell line for the magazine; it is very eye catching because firstly it is on the top of the magazine and also because the colours stand out. In addition, it is about something very fascinating for the target audience to read, especially as its about a well known rapper. The colour of the main sell line also goes well with the rest of the magazine which is black and blue, it doesn’t stand out in colour but it will still stand out to the audience as it is at the top of the magazine which links in to status as it being interesting and one of the best articles.

Main ImageThe main image looks quite simple and her stance is conveying to us that she is confident and she is a part of the RnB music. Her clothes, jeans and white vest are also symbolising that RnB artists can dress ordinary like the rest of us. Her hair looks quite messy which portrays that she is a rough girl who is very sexy. This magazine would also be very eye-catching as the image is of well known artist Janet Jackson , this would increase the attraction of the audience.

Sell LinesThe sell lines are on both sides of the magazine; they are neatly positioned and not all over the place. This makes the magazine look a lot neater and it could possibly appeal to people in an older age group who are also interested in music. The sell lines are colour co-ordinated which make the magazine look attractive. The light blue font is used to include the names of famous artists therefore and this stands out. The front cover is not overloaded with sell lines which is very effective as it could lose the lack of interest in the audience and they would be less intrigued.

Colour SchemeThe magazine uses very soft colour which combine very well together: baby pink and blue. The colour scheme goes very well together, it uses bright summery colours which makes the magazine look a lot more fun and attractive. They have separated the sell lines; on one side they are in light pink and blue and on the other side they are in white and black. They have done this as the artists in the pink and blue have a different genre in music to the artists in the white and black. The light pink and blue fonts of artists are more Hip Hop, where as the black and white are Rap. I think this is very effective as it makes people think about it and therefore makes it more interesting.

Contents Page Analysis Images

The main image on this contents page is of famous R&B artist Ciara wearing a leotard top and shown in a very sexual position which is focusing on her legs and therefore this would certainly attract a males attention. Females would also be fascinated with this image as it would lead them to desire a body with perfect features such as Ciara’s.

The reason why this eye-catching image is used is so to grab the attention of the audience as many people tend to skip the contents page. However, it is a very useful page as it informs the reader of the essential features of the magazine as well as where to find the fashion pages, which again is for the target audience who are mainly young females with an interest in style and fashion.

LayoutThe layout of the contents page is very outstanding and attractive. Mainly because of the striking image of a well known music artist, but also because of the structure of the layout.

There is not too much text involved and the subheadings inform the reader of the most essential pages of the magazine which is therefore effective as the reader has obtained what they are most interested to know about.

The colours are very well combined and are also very stylish which conveys the overall message that this is a fashion/music magazine.

Double Page Spread Analysis Main image

The main image on this page is very eye-catching as it stands out in a bright red colour. The images could attract the attention of females as the style of clothing is very fashionable, meanwhile males would enjoy the view! The image also takes up half the space which grabs the attention of the reader.

Images The images in the background are smaller and in black and white which signifies that they are less important than the main image although readers would also focus on these images as they have been taken in interesting poses.


The layout is quite effective, firstly the article is not too long as that would not interest the target audience to read it all. In addition, it contains a lot of images. There is a colour combination as the artist’s necklace and jacket match with the light blue font colour.

Although the pages use very little colour, the name of the artist and the title of the magazine are deliberately highlighted in a light blue colour. This is so that the reader will immediately be aware of who the article is about and whether they would want to continue reading. In addition, I believe that the black lines are a symbol for music which lets the reader know that this is an article based on music.

Despite the great amount of text included, the images ensure that there is a balance of both which therefore makes this appealing. There is a quote in bold capital letters on the right hand side of the picture which is also effective as it motivates the target audience to read the article.

Mood Board

Design Sketches

Sell Lines/Contents IdeasFor the sell lines I wanted to have some 'eye catching' and interesting ones which will make the audience buy the magazine and feel like they cannot wait to start reading it! There will also be some sell lines saying 'The one and only interview with Rihanna' or any other different artist. This will make the audience buy it as they will be overwhelmed to know what it is about and what's new. On the contents page I am going to have a picture of an artist on one side and have the title 'Contents' in bold on one side too but I will be trying to make the picture look as eye catching as possible so the audience do not skip that page as in most magazines that's what they tend to do. I will also have the page numbers and titles under the main title.






The name that everybody is talking about and is on everybody’s lips is Mia McClune, the newcomer in the music lifestyle. It was never in her mind that a girl like her from a small town called Ruislip would become a world wide known singer selling out arenas all around the world with loads of fans screaming out her name. We have met up with Lorida Berisha to know more about her new life style and all the secrets behind the platinum record…

Hello Mia, how does it feel being the newcomer into the music life style?I feel like it is a new curtain opening for me and my future life. I cant even tell you, I am so shocked I never thought this would ever happen. To me it just proves that as long as you work hard you can achieve whatever you want to it also is the best feeling having so many fans and knowing they like your music.

When did you decide you wanted music to be a big part of your career? I used to do to singing lessons and since I was little music has always been a big part of me and I realised how much I wanted to do music. I used to go to every concert Rihanna had as I am a big big fan of her and just used to think I wish that was me. I also went to a weekend school which was called ‘solo’ and used to learn everything about music , that was the best part of my weekend I couldn’t wait to go there and learn something new about it.

Your single ‘Number One’ has been at the top of the chart, your tour is nearly sold out, how does that feel?It is so surprising, I would have never thought that would be my song being at the top of the chart I’m still in shock and what I am experiencing at the moment is the most surreal experience. When Hannah rung me and told me my song was at the top of the chart I was in tears, I got goose bumps. The tour has been amazing , it is such a good feeling seeing so many fans who know the lyrics of your song and they sing them back to you.

How do you feel being followed around all the time by paparazzi? Oh it does get annoying, you don’t really get much privacy. I would only go down the road and I would be surrounded by loads of paparazzi and you don’t really want them to take pictures if you don’t look at your best, because the next thing you know is you’ll be on the front cover of the magazine looking like a clown., but I guess that is what you call ‘celebrity life’.

A lot of artists get criticism about their music, have you experienced any of this type of criticism? Yes, of course I have I mean every singer does experience that at a point in life. I am a confident person and I am able to take criticism easily but at the end of the day I know what I wanted and anything is possible depending how much you want it, so sometimes you have to ignore some things people say and keep your head held high.

Not so long ago you performed at Wembley Arena, how was the whole Wembley experience like?As I said earlier every time I went to Wembley to see Rihanna I always dreamt of performing on the big stage in front of thousands of people, I have to admit it was absolutely amazing I had the time of my life. The crowd were so nice and loving and hearing them sing your song back to you is the best feeling it just makes you feel so good and want to keep carrying on making new songs for your fans. All I could see was people with their hands up in the air and people screaming my name out I felt very honoured.

Do you spend a lot of money on your clothes , or are you not really bothered what you wear?I do spend quiet a lot of money on designer clothes. I am like in love with dresses and high heels like every girl is to be honest. But I don't really like going over the top. Sometimes it depends what mood I am in if I feel dressy I will spend about 2 hours just getting ready and try to look at my best but if I am having a bit of a lazy day then I just wear joggers and a shirt.

What advice would you give others interested in singing?If there is anything you really want to do, you have to give it a shot. Otherwise you're going to hold onto it forever and just regret it. You should have no regret. People always ask singers for advice and it's like wow, you're asking us? I don't know how enlightening we can be. We're just people.

There are so many scandals in politics and the entertainment world that it’s hard to find a good role model. Besides you, of course, who is a good role model in music?I think there are a lot of different people for a lot of reasons. You can’t really compare people .That’s one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned, because comparing yourself to someone else really stops you from being who you are. I tend to choose people who aren’t alive, people I don’t know. For instance,there’s a woman named Assata Shakur who was a black panther. A lot of people disagree with what this group did but I take what she stood for and how she stood up for what she believed and apply it to parts of my life. I take parts of peoples’ lives and apply them tomy own.

Can you describe the process of turning your songs into a video? Do you have a lot of input?Definitely! That’s my thing. Usually because I wrote the song, I have a story of where it came from. I talk to key people about that story and then we get a director and they have a vision and they write out what is called a “treatment” and summarize what the video could be about. From there I’ll ask, can we add this or change that, or is there anything else we could do to make it better. So that’s the first step, and once we have it all together we have a basic outline of what we will do. Then I get a whole group of people together – a stylist and set designer and make up person - and determine the feeling. And eventually it comes into place. I really do like to be involved so that what you see is part of who I am.

What is the one piece of advice you would give to teens?Slow down. Have fun. Be ateen. Because once you become grown, you can never go back. Once you’re grown, you’ll always be grown. You know, all grown-ups wish they were teen-agers, ain’t that something? I wonder why: because it’s fun. Now is the time for you not to be so serious about the things that life has, the obstacles out there. All you have to do now is be serious about what and who you want to be. And serious about your school work, you know, that’s easy, that’s the easy part. The hard [part]is when you are out in the world, you don’t know who you are, you don’t know who you want to be, but you are grown and nobody has sympathy for you. Nobody is trying to help you. You know, now if you are a kid, everybody is trying to help you. Get that help, get better, get smart, don’t fall on obstacles, try to sidestep them and slowdown. Don’t try to be grown so quick. You got a lifetime to be grown.

You have achieved so much, but what is one of your greatest disappointments and how did you deal with that?This business is all based on this... if you are in the record business, did you go platinum? Did you godouble platinum? Did you go quadruple platinum? You know, it’s really measured on howmany records you sold, and I have always been on independent labels. And an independent label is notgoing to sell as many as the major labels. So even though the money has been right, the sales could have been better. So that’s it. It’s nothing big, it’s just if I had been on a major label and sold more records, I guess. But, you know, to me, who cares if you sell a lot of records and you don’t get paid? So, I guess it allworked out.

Your confessional style—all those guys you write about—obviously struck a chord. Now that you’re famous, do you ever feel like you might need to tone that down?I’ve never felt like I needed to tone down being seen as a regular person. When I first started doing MySpace, I wrote my bio in the first person. I didn’t want my MySpace page to look like a publicity promo site, so I was the one doing all the commenting, and I was the one putting up pictures and videos. And I’ve approached my whole career like that—I don’t see that ever changing.

You have said, “Music is my boyfriend.” How do you date when you’re as famous as you are?I don’t date a lot. The other day I was in my dressing room with one of my closest friends, [American Idol alum] Kellie Pickler, who is also my opening act, and she said something really interesting to me: “We can only give someone what’s left over.” She does the same thing I do, so she knows what it’s like to do interviews all day and give your heart and soul on stage every night. After all of that is taken, we can only give someone what’s left. So it’s hardYou have a lot of famous friends who are singers, do you ever get jealous?It's not normal for me to feel jealous. I'm competitive with myself more than anything. And anyway, all of my friends in the business are bigger than me! Most of them are musicians, and I think music takes them to a whole new level. For me, I'm going to try out music obviously, but it will be more fun than anything else. I'm really trying my hardest to become a well-respected artist. All I really want to do is song after song after song. I love singing, and I want to create that so I can be around for a long time.

What’s the one thing that your fans would be the most surprised to find out about you that they don’t already know?Something that they’d be surprised to find out about me is that I’m a tomboy! Even though I look all-girlie and act girlie, in reality at home I am such a tomboy. I like to mess around and hang out with my brothers, that is the most fun for me!

How did you prepare for recording the new album?To start with I was doing a lot of hopping from one studio to the next and trying to find somewhere that had a good vibe. I also met up with a lot of producers and writers and musicians and hung with them out a little bit. I always like to hang out with people for a while before I work with them because it someone’s got a shitty sense of humour – no matter who they are or how good they are – I can’t sit in a room for seven hours with them if they don’t get my jokes.

Was there a moment when you first realized, Oh my God, I'm famous!My encounter with fame has been very gradual, so it hasn't been traumatic for me to become a popular artist. But I still get surprised when I see myself on something like Saturday Night Live. I'm like, Is that me there? On American TV? Sometimes it doesn't make sense. It's like a dream almost.

What's the best part of the job and what's the worst part?There's something really beautiful about entertaining. Somebody who works in an office from eight in the morning till nine o'clock every day can turn on the TV and find somebody singing a nice song that can touch his heart and bring some warmth to it. There's something nice about it. The worst thing is that you fall in love too much with this. And it's dangerous because it's temporary. There's a sunset and we all have to be prepared for it. Someday I'll be wrinkled, and probably not that creative. I don't know when is gonna be the last day I write and sing a good song. But that day is gonna come. I've known many artists that I've admired for a long time who suddenly come up with something that is just like What is this? This is not the genius he used to be. That's pretty scary, huh?

Well Lorida thank you very much for spending your time here with us answering these questions the fans have been craving for. I have really had a good time and hope you enjoyed yourself too.

Thank You very much for being interested and I am very glad I have answered the questions my fans want to know, and yes I have had an amazing time.

Names Ideas/ Masthead DesignsFor the masthead of my magazine I was thinking about picking something which linked to music and when people see the magazine they will instantly know it is a music magazine. In order for the name of my magazine to be successful I had to think of a few names which then I could pick from. The colours will include Black and Red or maybe Pink and Blue. I have picked these colours because black and red go very well together and they are representatives of many positive things, also the colours pink and blue go very well together and are bright and light colours which link to the music as it being 'bright' which will put you in a good mood.

Names Ideas




Funky Music



Band Age


Rising Stars

Music Matters




The Chorus



Broken Record








Target AudienceI believe that my magazine represents a particular social group which are teenagers and young adults between the ages of 14-25 as they will most likely have a wide interest in music and have more knowledge about the latest singles, news about their favourite artists and newcomers which they will find very entertaining.

The social grades for my magazine will be aimed at all of the classes but specifically B-D, although class A will be able to read it as well if they have a wide interest in music. I have chosen B-D as I think they will be more interested and have more time to read it and the language will not be as formal therefore in some occasions it might not suit class A as much.

The psychographics for the target audience will be mainly Mainstreamers/Conformists as it is a very popular group of people and they make up 40% of consumers which will make the magazine very popular and well known widely around the country. They also want to fit and not stand out from the crowd, therefore my magazine is a RnB magazine and RnB is very popular most people listen to it so they will follow the crowd and do the same thing.

I will also be following the ‘Uses and Gratification Theory’ which will state that there are two main reasons why my magazine will become popular and they are: Entertainment, they will be entertained by some of the gossip they will read and if they have nothing to do why not buy the magazine and see what is new in music. My magazine will also include a good variety of crosswords and puzzles which will attract the audience even more and keep them entertained. Information, they will buy the magazine for information so they know more about what is new and who the new singers are. They would also want to know what new songs are out and when their preferred singers are having their tour. All this information will be included in my magazine.

I think that females are more of the target audience they are more known to spend money on magazines and have a bigger interest in music artists and fashion. Young females feel the need to know what the fashion trends are and therefore they look for magazines to help them keep in the latest style. Whilst males enjoy listening to music, females want to know more about the artists their lifestyles, their diets, their affairs as females tend to be more nosey then males.I think my ideas will appeal to the target audience because of the title of my magazine which will be “MusicMatters”. This will attract the target audience if they are mad about music they will find it very interesting as music matters to them and therefore the title fits in well.

As I need to make my magazine appeal to both genders I need to use colours which will attract them both and not make it look too girly or too dull which will mainly attract boys. I have decided to include colour schemes that will be associated with both genders such as red, white and black.

The typical readers of my magazine will include people who want to keep up to date with media and what is new in music and I am very sure my magazine will achieve that by being released every month with new upcoming news!