Madison Term 4 Task Presentation



Madison Term 4 Task Presentation

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By Madison

Were did I start

Well first I came a with a question they were

both ok but I think I could have done better

sins I was doing a easy task like thise

Were am I now

Well I am making lots of notes and realizing

that I am evaluating every day of my life like

when I was first born I looked around the room

How did I do it/how did I get


Well I thought about it and I evaluate every

day of my life like I said like I am evaluating

right now I am thinking evaluating so really I

have lent that evaluating is very important to

Every day life

Have I been successful

Yes I reckon I have been success full but not

as much as the animal task I am more

successful in task that is fun and relevant to

what I want to learn in the big wide world so

hopefully I will do better in future tasks but I

hope my task has been ok but I will work on it

more next time

Thanks for watching

Thanks to the teachers because with out you

my task world not be good

And thanks parents for watching my task

See you all next year bye for now
