Level 3



Part 3 (Programming) Comment with questions!

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InsaniquariumBejeweled 2Peggle




Written in 1977


Computer’s only understand 0’s and 1’s True or False

Computer’s follow instructions

Computer’s have no imagination or creativity. However they can crunch numbers like no

human can.

X X= 3? X= 0(3132/145+{23-23}) X= Tuna?

Type’s of Var’s Integer▪ Numbers

String▪ Text

True and FalseOperators

Greater Then▪ >

Less then▪ <

Equal▪ =

Not Equal▪ !=


23 < 20

43 != 10

34 > 30

Rockets < Lasers

Kittens > Puppies

If, Then, Else If We are testing CuteCritter▪ If CuteCritter = Bunny

Then (True)▪ Then (Pet Bunny)

Else (False)▪ Else (Look for Bunny)

Circle = Program Start/End Label!

Lines Label with Arrows!

Diamond = Decision If Cake = Lie

Square = Action What action is taken

Take 1 D6 10 Tokens/Counters

The object of the game is to acquire the most token’s before the game ends.

Create rules for 1 out of the 6 numbers on the dice.

Write a Flow chart for the game

If You roll a 3 take 1 Token If you roll a 4 lose 1 Token If you roll a 6 End game, and see who wins.

Take three Dice Counters

Create a flow chart for this game including all of its rules.

How you wish to make this game work is up to you.

Ensure that you have a story behind it.
