Lesson 6:Developing Basic Digital Skills


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Lesson 6:Developing Basic Digital



Guinobatan, Albay

These basic literacies will not replace the 3’Rs

Reading Writing Arithmetic

Six essentials to equip students for success

1. Solution Fluency

This refers to the capacity and creativity in problem solving.

1. Solution Fluency

This refers to the capacity and creativity in problem solving.

students define a problem, design solution, apply the solution, and assess the process and results. 

2. Information fluency

This involves 3 subset skills

a.) ability to access informationb.) ability to retrieve informationc.) ability reflect on, assess and rewrite for instructive information packages.

3. Collaboration Fluency

This refers to teamwork with virtual or real partners in the online environment.

4. Media Fluency

Media refers to channels of mass communication (radio, TV, Magazine, advertising)

5. Creativity Fluency

Artistic proficiency adds meaning by the way of design, art, and story telling to package a message.

6. Digital Ethics

The digital citizen is guided by principles of leadership, global responsibility, environmental awareness, global citizenship, and personal accountability

Higher Order Thinking Skills

The 4Ds (the structured problem solving process)

2. Design the solution

1. Define the problem

3.Do the work

4. Debrief on the outcome

Understandably, the teacher will have to move away from the center stage of the classroom, and allow the students the limelight of the teaching-learning process.

Ma. Angelika Orbeta

3rd year Bachelor in Agricultural Technology Major in Agricultural Technology Education