Learn Java Online - Online Java tutorials - Java Tests



Learn Java even if you don't know C/C++. Practice with 600 Java Programs and 2000 MCQs to perfect your learning. Merit Campus (java.meritcampus.com) is 'Your Online Java School'. Here you can learn Java, practice programs/tests and compete with other users and win prizes/certificates. Learn - We have various topics covering most of the concepts in Core Java. Every topic is easy to read and there are lots of example programs which you can try online. Absolutely no prior knowledge required. Practice - Practice with 600 Java Programs and 1750 MCQs. These practice tests helps in reinforcing your learning. They can keep you busy for months together. Compete - You can compete at state level in Monthly Programming competitions, Top Coder 168, Weekend Hack and Daily Dose. The score you gained by writing the practice tests will be considered for these competitions. Visit java.meritcampus.com and become a top class programmer.

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