Leadpreneur and discussion Global Top Leader Challenge



About Leadership and Entrepreneurship, and how Entrepreneur should have strong Leadership capability

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  • 1. Self Assesment Leadpreneur Mastering Public Speaking Personal Branding

2. Leader Entrepreneur Moderate - High Energy Level Leaders are good listener Leaders are good teacher Good Emotional Intelligence Great at dealing with crises Moderate will to take risk Moderate control Can delegate Great Networking Skill High energy Level Generally have poor listening skill Average to fair teachers Averagely good with crises Fair Emotional Intelligence Always want to take risks High Control needs Hard to delegate Wide level of networking Skill High Energy Level Good Listener Good Teacher Good Emotional Intelligence Great at dealing with crises Always will to take risk High Self Control Able to delegate Great Networking Skill 3. Leader Entrepreneur All Successful Leader is not always an Entrepreneur All Successful Entrepreneur always a Leader 4. Business Skill Leadpreneur that impact the world Business Framework Conceptual Skill Human Skill 5. What so special about these people !? 6. Happiness for other Success 7. They are Empathetic Leader 8. Something to prove 9. Video link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgF1Enrgo2g 10. That hero could be you Lets test it out 11. Brace yourself 2nd Challenge is coming ! 12. Group work on 3 scenarios 13. Scenario 1 Motivation and Low-budget Leadership 14. 1. Celebrate small successes! 15. 2. Shared understanding on the mission and the future prospects of the operations 16. 3. Ensure clarity of everybodys motivation 17. 4. Recognition 18. Scenario 2 Organizational strategy 19. SWOT PESTEL PRIORITAZATION MATRIX EXTERNAL CONSULTANCY 20. 2. Culture Strategy 21. 3. Collective Leadership Decision Making 22. Scenario 3 CEOs role in an small/ growing business 23. 1. When letting go staff 24. 2. Ensure clarity of Vision 25. See you on next challenge
