Lead Chemistry-- The Formula to Fuel Your Funnel



In this webinar you will learn the secret elements to creating constant, predictable conversion, including discussions on buyer personas, data accuracy and content strategy. View the entire webinar here: http://forms.salesengineintl.com/MTC_Common/mtcURLSrv.aspx?ID=21004&Key=AE716183-E98A-42BC-AC58-E19FA197843A&URLID=24016&mtcPromotion=19241

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Elizabeth is Making a Pretty Cover Slide

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Stacey S te igerVice President of Marketing and Product Management at Sales Engine

Stacey is responsible for every facet of marketing at Sales Engine, including strategy, demand generation, corporate marketing and product marketing. She has over 12 years of experience in the development of web-based products and is certified in Agile Product Development as well as the Pragmatic Marketing Framework.

Mar ibeth RossVice President of Marketing at NetProspex

Maribeth Ross joins NetProspex with over 15 years of experience as a B2B marketer and industry thought-leader. She has experience developing award winning programs and sales enablement tools in organizations both large and small, and has a keen understanding of leveraging data to drive demand.

Today’s Presenters


• Reveal our six-step scientific method for fueling the marketing funnel

• Share tools to help with your own experiment

• Q&A


The Scientific Method



If… we identify our ideal buyer, build a database with those specific contacts, and then create marketing programs tailored to their persona, we can boost conversion rates without increasing spend.


Our Method

1. Take a look into the microscope (identify the buyer)

2. Build the periodic table (build your database)

3. Learn the chemical properties (develop the persona)

4. Map the protons, neutrons, and electrons (create persona-specific content)

5. Conduct continuous experiments (perform data and content maintenance)

6. Create a chain reaction (execute)


Titles Company Size

GeographyIndustry Verticals


Step 1: Take a Look Into the Microscope

Available at bit.ly/funnelcalculator


Step 2: Build the Periodic Table

Step 3: Learn the Chemical Properties


…keeps me up at night.

I have to prove … to my boss.

My biggest challenge is …

Questions to Define the Buyer’s Journey:What Do They Need and When?


A Solution to My Problem

Feature ComparisonChecklist

Benchmark Study

Step 4: Map the Protons, Neutrons and Electrons


Buying Persona Persona #1 Persona #2 Persona #3



High % challenges

Solution considerations

Why you?

Build Targeted Campaigns Into Editorial Calendar


Data Quality• Checklist

Content Relevancy

Message Amplification


Step 5: Perform Data and Content Maintenance

Step 6: Create a Chain Reaction

Marketing Automation Is Essential to:• Effective Segmentation• Consistent, repeated delivery (cadence)• Evaluating response


Repeat Performance

Repeating your message:

• Nurturing• Retargeting• PPC, Social Media & More


In Review:

1. Take a look into the microscope (identify the buyer)

2. Build the periodic table (build your database)

3. Learn the chemical properties (develop the persona)

4. Map the protons, neutrons, and electrons (create persona-specific content)

5. Conduct continuous experiments (perform data and content maintenance)

6. Create a chain reaction (execute)


Download tools to help with these steps in our Lead Chemistry Kit at bit.ly/LeadChem


