La Tierra Montessori


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Montessori Classroom Environment

Materials and lessons in areas of Practical Life, Sensorial, Mathematics, the Sciences, Geography, and Language, the Arts. Lessons have specific aims, isolation of a specific skill.

Students work together in a non-competitive democratic environment to solve problems and reach common goals

Democratic Processes

The Studio Classroom

The Studio is filled with beautiful intriguing objects including recycled, natural and found objects. Open-ended learning fosters critical thinking.

Exploration, investigation, creativity

Through attachment-oriented practice, children get the support they need to build self-confidence and are able to reach new levels of achievement

Emotional Health

Outdoor Learning Environment

The Sciences come alive in the garden, promoting healthy eating

Heritage Language

Partial immersion and full immersion language will serve the needs of heritage speakers, English language learners, and second language learners.

Performing Arts

Students present narrations with performance pieces, building language skills and self-confidence through the arts

Fine Motor Skill Development prepares the hand for writing

Geometry, Color Theory, Composition integrate into work

Visual Arts