Kaibigan and RDC -E-waste


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Created at PSU in 2009, and incorporated in Oregon in 2010.Applying for its 501 (c ) (3)Federal Tax Exempt StatusIn 2011.

305 million computers sold in 2009 worldwide. The US bought 96 million of them.

Computer sales projections: 366 million worldwide in 2010, up 20% over 2009. 70% of those will be mobile PCs.

According to the Consumer Electronics Association, US consumers will purchase $165 billion in consumer electronics in 2010, a slight increase over 2009 sales.

175 North 13th

Saint Helens OR, 97051


Website: http://recyclingfordisadvantagedchildren.giving.officelive.com/

Email: recyclingfordisadvantagedchildren@officeliveusers.com