Josh Adams 0 period




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Josh Adams

0 Period

Siberian Tiger

Common Name/ Scientific Name

• There commonly Known as the Siberian Tiger.

• The Scientific Name is Panthera Tigris Altaica.

Habitat/ Hunting Range

• They can be fined in eastern Russia Birch forests.

• They live in snow areas sometimes, but there mostly confined to low mountain areas.

• There most common habitat are mountain river valleys and pads overgrown with pine and oak.



• The male can grow up to 9-12 feet in length and height up to 3 ½ feet tall.

• Female are smaller

• There weight can range from 400lb to 650Ib.

• Carnivore

• Live up to 25 years

Population Size

• Only 500 hundred tigers left.

• The reason why there population size is decreasing is because they have very low diversity which means that any disease or rare genetic disorders will most likely be passed on to the next generation.

Food Source

• They eat pig, dear and fish.

• If the tiger misses its prey, it can chase it up to 650 feet.

• When done eating prey the tiger covers up the remains and then comes back later and eat the rest of the carcas.


Reproduce and Social Structure

• They mate at anytime during the year.

• A female shows that she is ready to mate by leaving urine deposits and scratch marks on trees.

• It only takes 3 to 3 and a half months to produce babies.


Human Interaction

• There only dangerous to humans when provoked.

• In 1867 on the Tsymukha River, tigers killed 21 men and injured 6 others.

• In 2007 at the San Francisco zoo a tiger escaped and killed a visitor.


Works Cited

• King, Judith: Wildlife Fact File. Pittsburg, PA.: International Masters Publishers, 1997
