Introduction to the English 201 Digital Justice Project



This is the main project/focus of the semester. Instead of one, extended research project, students will choose a project focus that you sustain across the semester. Since the conversation at John Jay College of Criminal Justice is always about JUSTICE--- social justice--- this project is about digital justice.

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This is the main project/focus of the semester. Like in ENG 101, we have a required

research project, only this one is not as traditional. Instead of one, extended research project, you will choose a project focus that you sustain across the semester. Since the

conversation at John Jay is always about JUSTICE--- social justice--- this project will be about digital justice. For this project, you

will choose three digital justice programs to compare and analyze.

What is a digital justice program?

A digital justice program is ANY event/person/movement that uses digital tools to achieve its social

justice goals. Be creative and wide-ranging in how you conceptualize


What kind of digital spaces should I be looking at?

A program can be a website, youtube channel, facebook page, blog, instagram site, a particular tweeter/viner/etc, or a moving event that encompasses digital work. Choose something that you are genuinely interested in following and

looking at.

How do I connect the three programs?

You have one of two choices for how you will build connections amongst your three programs:

a)You could choose a topic or issue that you are passionate about and then pick three programs that are connected to this passion. In other words, these 3 programs all fight for the same cause, a cause you are drawn to. In this topic-focused connection, you are looking at how different media help activists spread the word and achieve their goals. OR

b)You could choose three programs that all use the same kind of media. For instance, you could choose three sites on instagram because you really like instagram. In other words, you are really drawn to a specific medium or platform. In this media-focused connection, you are looking at how activists make use of the same platform in different ways.

Be bold. . . Be adventurous. . .

Be unique!

For more guidelines, see course website:

Go to section called “Rhetoric

and Digital Justice”
