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For this assignment, we were assigned to find a specific empty land to

initiate a small construction project along with a report proposal.

The size of the land should be between 50mx50m (2500m2) to 50mx70m

(3500m2).What is mentioned in the brief is that we require to serve one

purpose mentioned. This includes: Recreation area, Commercial area,

Industrial area, Agricultural area, Tourism area and Residential area.

The objective of this project is to enable students to develop an

understanding of the building team, its organization, duties and

inter-relations within which they will seek employment, career progression

or further study.

This project also allows us to develop an awareness of their professional

responsibilities and to appreciate their profession in construction industry.

We are also able to understand the important authority processes and

procedures that need to be gone through in order to get the project done

form the inception to the completion.
