Ikonoklash, , presentation, web social platform



www.ikonoklash.com is a web 2.0, social platform for unraveling the tensions within and between the fundamental forces, ideas and the iconic actors of contemporary society

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"You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything

in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters

below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them;Bible, Old Testament, Exodus 20:4-6 (New International Version)"

“It’s been proven that old and new can still

coexist, and can add value to each other.”

Julius Wiedemann


"Everyone's a critic & a curator. We're not just constantly making little judgments

in our heads whenever we look at art - love this, hate that - we're also organizing

little shows in our heads all the time. We may remember one piece in a special

light, even as we delete another from our memory banks, rehanging exhibitions in

our imaginations. If we wonder why something looks familiar, we might look at the

wall label, realizing that we've seen another painting, or another sculpture, by this

artist before. Or that a work by X reminds us a lot of a piece by Y."

Michael O'Sullivan, Washington Post

"An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an

idea that exists only as an idea." Buddha

"ikonoklash is a platform for unraveling the tensions within and between

the fundamental forces and the iconic actors of contemporary society"

fundamental forces & iconic actors of contemporary society

“It is easy to understand that every mass-type “interest” which asserts itself

historically goes far beyond its real limits in the “idea” or “imagination” when it

first comes on scene." Marx and Engels, Die heilige Familie; in English, the Holy Family, trans. Richard Dixon, and Clemens Dutt, in Mrax and Engels,

Collected Works, vol. 4 (New York: international Publishers, 1975), p.91

platform, independent, distinct, alternative, actor, icon, iconoclast,

expert, entrepreneur, creative, interview, conversation, debate,

discussion, clear, clash, tension, pulse, force, grip, understanding,

recent, current, contemporary, society, europe, america, asia, africa,

world, global, video, internet, technology, science, art, culture,

economy, business, start-up...

produce engage-change
