Ideal image




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Assignment 3- Krystle Robinson

Part 1- Ideal Image

My ideal image as an educator is influenced by my beliefs about education, my approach to

teaching, my vision to strive for an ideal learning environment, my personality and the diversity

of students I work also influence my ideal image as an educator. The following visual

presentation will explain how these variables influence my teaching practice.

My Teaching Field: Special Education

Success grows from the teacher truly caring for the learner’s welfare. I pay close attention to

each individual’s learning needs. I meet students “where” they are at and work with them

individually to ensure they have a positive learning experience. My profession influences my

practice because the students in my program will also need to be caring and responsive to the

individual needs of special needs students in the school setting.

I believe every learner has the ability to achieve success. As an instructor in the Educational

Assistant Program, I have to be a role model to my students as they are learning to become

paraprofessionals who will be working with special needs children. They will have to help

children achieve success by being caring, thoughtful and respectful.

Assignment 3- Krystle Robinson

Learners Influence on My Teaching Practice

Adult learners bring a wealth of knowledge and experiences into the classroom. Learners have

influenced my teaching practice because of their diversity in age, ethnicity, gender and abilities. I

strive to provide diverse learning opportunities to meet the learning styles and skill levels of all

students. I use my student’s prior knowledge in course design and delivery to create meaningful

learning experiences.

A cooperative approach to teaching is used because learners are part of the “learning puzzle”.

They shape my professional practice because they are included in decisions made about their

learning. Student input helps guide me in being a more effective instructor. This approach allows

students to take ownership of their learning and this instills a sense of motivation.

Assignment 3- Krystle Robinson

Beliefs and Values About Education

Students needs real-world application to make learning meaningful

Education prepares students with values, skills and knowledge for work and life

It is an instructor’s responsibility to establish a support environment that allows all

students equal opportunity to be successful.

My teaching practice is influenced because I create assignments and teaching tools that are

adapted to different learning styles and that provide hands-on learning; through course design

and instructional approaches; and by the atmosphere I create within the classroom. It’s also

reflected in the individual support I provide and in my positive attitude towards learning.


As an individual I’m creative, ambitious and need structure. This influences my practice because

I create learning activities that have an element of creativity and fun. At the same time, I ensure

courses I teach are very organized and structured and that I come to class prepared.

Assignment 3- Krystle Robinson

Ideal learning environment

A positive learning environment is inclusive, respectful and caring of all of its members. The

classroom environment embraces difference and fosters a sense of community. One principle

that I incorporate into my teaching practice is that everyone will treat each other with respect and

all students will have the opportunity to participate and contribute in a classroom community free

of judgment.
