Iconographawhat examining the aztec calendar stone


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Examining the Aztec Calendar

Taking a Closer Look

Define iconography and iconology. Identify the symbols on the Aztec Stone

Calendar. Analyze other works of art within its proper

context. (Reserved for our online discussion assignment.)

Look at the man at the center of the calendar.

It is Tonatiuh’s face But who is Tonatiuh?

▪ Sun God, Lord of Heaven

The fact that their sun God is at the center of this calendar probably means that this is a solar calendar.

Sun gods can be found across cultures.

Now look at the boxes around the head.

The box on the top right is called Ocelotonatiuh, Sun of Jaguar.

This seems to refer more to a time in history than a person. It is a time when the gods

created giants.▪ Be mindful that the idea of

giants living on the earth can be found all over the world.

Now examine the box on the bottom right.

The figure inside the box is called Atonatium, sun of water.

This also refers to a period in history.

A great flood covered the earth.

Again, flood stories can be found all across the globe.

The figure in the box on the bottom left refers to Quiauhtonatiuh, sun of fire rain.

This represents a time when the earth was covered in lava and volcanic ash.

Cultures that flourished around volcanoes shared stories similar to this one.

And finally, the figure in the box on the top left is called Ehecatonatium, sun of wind.

Can you guess what happened during this time? You guessed it! The earth

experienced a great wind which caused hurricanes and tornadoes to torment the inhabitants of the earth.

The four figures or suns around Tonatiuhrepresent times in the earth’s history.

Tonatiuh is considered the 5th sun, the one who took control over creation after the sun of wind was destroyed.

When the Aztecs were alive, they believed that they lived in the cosmic era controlled by Tonatiuh.

Although we will revisit this later on in the lesson, human sacrifice to Tonatiuh was very common.

Go back to the page with the labeled stone. Read about 3 more symbols on the stone.


Iconography Refers to the study of symbols

in art Iconology

The interpretation of art within its historical, cultural, social, and even political context.▪ For example, the Washington

Monument is in the shape of an obelisk.▪ Obelisks are often associated with

power and dominance and masculine energy. How does this make sense within

the historical context of why the Washington Monument was built in the first place? Read about this monument by clicking on the link below.

▪ http://www.nps.gov/wamo/index.htm

We will also talk about the physical characteristics and styles of various artworks.

For example, what kinds of tools did the Aztecs use to carve the calendar stone? And what kinds of carving techniques did they employ that contributed to such detail?

In a nutshell!

We will travel (very quickly I should say!) around the world and talk about how different people viewed the world through their creations.

And what is just as exciting is the idea that the process of interpretation is just that…a process.

Scholars and researchers continue to unravel the great mysteries that surround much of what we will explore in this course.

It should also be kept in mind that what we view as art was not necessarily the intention of the original creators. For example, it is believed that the Aztec calendar was

displayed in temples and used as a ritualistic tool rather than a calendar that we hang on our kitchen walls.

Again, your opinion is going to be very important during our discussions this semester. But make sure that it is an informed decision, based on what you discover while reading and viewing material.

Come join me on a walk across the world as we explore the various cultures that lived and are still alive!
