I am what I drink?



A presentation talking about the results of our assignment exploring participatory culture in Production Project 1: RMIT University.

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Pp1 assignment 2011

Our Tumblr

Fun and Playful Vibe

Our event invit ing people t o be a part of our facebook group?

Week 1: ‘The W Quest ions’

I nit ial Group:

Week 1: Survey

Week 1: interact ion with novelty quest ion

Swelling Numbers

Week 2: ‘Tast es and Food’

Week 2: Part icipat ion

Week 2: Novelt y Quest ion

Members dropping…

Links int erpret ed as Spam

Recipes we uploaded. .

Week 3: Personalit ies

Week 3: Survey

Week 4: ‘My Tribe’

Week 4: Survey

Week 4: Novelt y Quest ion

Building Teams/ Tribes

Tribes/ Teams

Self generat ed Videos

Personalit y disorders t o lead t o alcohol abuse: hardly any


Survey Quest ions:

Group Now:

What We’ve Learnt :

キ People need t ime t o respond t o post s and don’t want t o be overly spammed wit h not if icat ions

キ Facebook groups are t he way t o go over facebook pages- as groups not ify t heir members when somet hing is post ed where as pages rely on t hem f inding it in t heir newsfeed or going t o t he sit e

キ People bet ween t he ages of 18 – 21 were t he most act ive on our sit e, ref lect ing t he way t hey use facebook and t he amount of t ime t hey spend online

What We’ve Learnt : キ The older members of our group bet ween 26 and 30

didn’t int eract much at all- implying they have a lesser engagement in part icipatory culture and wit h facebook it self

キ The best responses were to cont ent that we’d generated – our graphics, quest ions, surveys, recipes, videos- not to links or out sourced material we posted

キ I f I posted a novelty quest ion it was my friends that responded, kapila’s f riends were more likely to respond to something he posted and same for Renee’s this made us conclude that even though all t hese people felt safe being in an online group together – it was the real world connect ions and relat ionships t hat t hey maintained within that space.

What We’ve Learnt キ This was shown t hrough t he personal j oke or

clique j okes t hat were writ t en wit hin t he group on novelt y quest ions ect , t hese post s you wouldn’t underst and unless you were a member of t heir real world social circle

キ Wit h serious cont ent t he best way t o approach get t ing answers is by post ing it as a quest ion or wit hin an anonymous survey. People didn’t want t o respond t o links or read academic readings.

キ Even when people did respond t o serious t opics- t hey of t en t ook it t o a place of humour and didn’t ‘ t ake it seriously’
