How to prepare write exams stress free by SFAL foundation


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Some pre conceived notions:Should we …? Study early in the morning or late in the night? Take tea/coffee to stay awake? Study long hours at a stretch? Write exams empty or full stomach? Study difficult subjects or easy subjects first? Study individually or in a group? Answer easy or difficult questions first? Any other notion you may have? Get your queries answered

Sound sleep in the night

energizes the brain.

Don’t skip meals, Eat healthy!!

Take short and

long breaks

www.StressFreeEducation.orgHow to prepare for board exams ?

5 Steps Method:1. Set Subject-Wise Goals.2. Do Topic-Wise Color Coding for each

subject.3. Make a Daily Time Table.4. Work Backwards & put Revision Notes in

the Book itself.5. Do Daily Self Reflection.

Step1: Set Subject-Wise Goals /

वि�षय अनुसार लक्ष्य बनाए ँ Make a Goal Chart for each Subject.

Aim at getting at least 10% more marks than last term.

Place your goals chart in visible places like study table or near TV.

Step1 : Set Subject-Wise Goals /

वि�षय अनुसार लक्ष्य बनाए ँAim at getting at least 10% more marks than last term.

Place your goals in visible places like study table or near TV.Subject Marks obtained

in previous term

How many marks do I plan to score more?

My Goal

Maths 73% 12% 85%Science 82% 10% 92%HindiEnglishSocial Studies

Step 2 : Do Topic-Wise Color Coding for each subject

Use the “Traffic Signal Coding Technique” to mark the various topics in the Table of Contents of the text books :- Green for easy topics Yellow for moderately difficult and Red for difficult topics

Step 2 : Do Topic-Wise Color Coding for each subject

Traffic Signal Coding Example for Maths

Polynomials Quadratic Equations Real numbers Trigonometry identities Trigonometry Probability

Step 3 : Make Daily Time Table/ दैविनक समय सारिरणी बनाएँ

Divide study time into three parts: Maths Practice

difficult subjects easy/moderate subjects Study in 2-3 hours at a stretch but

In each hour (60 mins) of study do 50 minutes of studies take 10 minutes of Short break

Step 3: Make Daily Time Table/ दैविनक समय सारिरणी बनाएँ

During the Short breakDrink water (2-3 sips) Sit in Happiness Position for 1 min. Sit in Focus Position, Close eyes for

few mins & Visualize whatever was studied. Do one of the following :

Walk 100 steps or Stretching Asanas like Tadasana / Vrikshasana / Parvatasana

Neck ExercisesMemory Enhancing Pranayam- Bhramri Pranayama

Some exercises in short break:Neck & Brain Relaxation




Step 3: Make Daily Time Table

 Description* Follow the Short Break Rules Mentioned above

Time Subjects

6:00-8:00 am Maths  6:50-7:00am Short Break* Memory Pranayam7:50-8:00 Short Break* Take Blessings from Parents

8am-9am Long Break Breakfast 9:00-12:00   Red Topics9:50-10:00 Short Break* Stretching Asanas10:50-11:00 Short Break* Neck Exercises11:50-12:00 Short Break* Meditation

12pm-2pm Long Break Lunch & Relaxation2:00-5:00pm   Red and Yellow Topics2:50-3:00 Short Break* Walk 100 steps3:50-4:00 Short Break* Stretching Asanas4:50-5:00 Short Break* Neck Exercises

5pm-6pm Long Break Play or walk outside 6:00-8:00   Green and Yellow Topics6:50-7:00 Short Break* Memory Pranayam7:50-8:00 Short Break* Walk 100 steps

8-9pm Long Break Dinner, Relaxation9-9:30pm Step 5: Self Reflection Assess yourself

10pm-5am Sleep Time Make resolution to get up early & pray to God. |

Step 3: Sample Daily Time Table

Step 4 : Work Backwards and put Revision Notes in Text Book

There is no time to read all chapters in detail.

Solve sample papers, old question papers and question banks.

Highlight the answers in the text book or put sticky notes.

Step 5: Self Reflection / आत्म वि�श्लेषण करें In the night 9:00 – 9:30 pm Think and mark on a checklist

Did I……follow my time table (both study & break)

honestly ?…eat healthy ?…take blessings from parents ?…not waste time on mobile, internet, chatting,

etc. ?

Use to assess Self Reflection.

Now On The Exam Day….

www.StressFreeEducation.orgHow to Write the Exams Stress Free ?Before going for Exams… Understand the question paper

pattern properly. Plan out timings for each

section/question in advance based on the marks each question carries and number of words to be written in

answer. Keep 15 minutes of revision.

www.StressFreeEducation.orgHow to Write the Exams Stress Free ?During Exams… Take 6 -7 hours of sleep at night

before exam day. Eat nutritious food like milk /

fruits / vegetables-pulses-chapatti, etc. before exams.

Make sure to take a water bottle in the examination hall.

www.StressFreeEducation.orgHow to Write the Exams Stress Free ?

In the examination hall… Keep your tongue in Mindful Position as much as possible After getting the question paper, close your eyes, sit in Peace

Position take 3 deep breaths and do positive reinforcement each time: “I know every thing.” “I can do everything.” “I will do everything.” Then, read the whole question paper.

Do the sections with short q/a first and then go for the longer q/a.

Attempt all the question of a section in the correct sequence. Keep leaving space for the questions you don’t know and attempt them once you have answered all the easy ones in a section. Make sure not to exceed your planned time for each section.

www.StressFreeEducation.orgHow to Write the Exams Stress Free ?In the examination hall… If you get stuck on any difficult

question, keep a hand in Focus Position and start answering.

If you feel panic keep one hand in Happiness Position and continue writing answer.

www.StressFreeEducation.orgHow to Write the Exams Stress Free ?In the examination hall… Write neatly and underline important points. Leave space

between answers. Attempt all questions. Keep putting a mark on answered questions and circles

on the ones you are doubtful or you don’t know. This will help you to answer them later.

Copy the question numbers, numerals and figures carefully in answer sheet.

Tie your supplementary sheets nicely before you start revising.

Revise your answer sheet thoroughly. Find out your mistakes as if you are the examiner and then make corrections.

Some important tips: Do 15-30 minutes of exercise daily in the morning. Eat nutritious food daily, drink milk everyday – Avoid

tea/coffee Depending on your interest, you may play / watch TV

/ listen to songs for 30 minutes. Please stop looking at others, focus on yourself. If you are feeling too much tension or depression,

please talk to your, friends, teacher and parents.

Helpline Numbers:For Stressfree Tips & GuidanceSFAL Foundation Whatsapp Group: 08154-967626

CBSE Helpline Mob # : 18001-18002

Thank You andAll The Best….

