How to Participate in the Project 2996 Group Board on Pinterest



This presentation explains how you can participate in the Project 2996 group board on Pinterest as well as providing some of the basics on how to use Pinterest.

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How to Participate in the Project 2996 Group Board on Pinterest

Darryl Heron

What is Project 2996?

On the left is the “aboutStatement“ from the Project 2996 web site

Project 2996 Has Started a Group Board on Pinterest!!

In honor of the 11th Anniversary of September 11th, Project 2996 has started a group board on Pinterest

The presentation is designed to provide some further information to those that would like to participate as well as to those that would only like to know more about it.

This is not intended to be an all encompassing user guide for Pinterest but we hope that it will provide enough information to get started.

Why a Group Board on Pinterest?

Pinterest has seen a lot of growth in the last year or so with reports that Pinterest Drives more referral traffic than LinkedIn, YouTube, and Google+

Pinterest is very visual in nature. Pinterest users create virtual boards online where they pin items related to various themes. Pins always include a picture, drawing, or something visual.

Putting a face to all of the victims will help to humanize all of them, because they were after all, people.

We believe that this will be a fun and exciting project and are looking forward to watch it grow and take wings of it‘s own!


The Project 2996 Group Board on Pinterest!!

As you can quickly see, every pin puts a face to a victim.

As time goes by more and more of the 2996 victims will have pins on this board.

What is a Group Board?

A group board basically means that the creator of the board can invite others to pin along. We‘d like pinning to the Project 2996 board to be a group experience and welcome those that would like to pin along with us.

At the time that this presentation was put together there are currenty only two members in our group but we would certainly welcome anyone that has already posted a tribue or anyone else that would like to join us.

Group boards are fun because you aren‘t just limited to the resources of a single person.

With more and more people pinning, the group board gets more exposure, with more and more chances for pins to be noticed and for people to decide that they want to follow the board.

How Do I Get Started

Make sure that you let Project 2996 know that you want to participate. (more on this later).

You‘ll need to have a Pinterest account. In August 2012, Pinterest was taken out of beta and openned up to the general public. So you only have to go to the Pinterest Website to enroll (if you don‘t already have an account).

Be sure to ‘Follow‘ the board, so you‘ll know when new items have been added.

At the time that this presentation was put together, there are currenty a little more than 100 pins and we want to have a pin for each and every victim so that means that we have a long we to go.

You‘ll be provided further instructions on how we can ensure that we have all of the victims represented by at least one pin.

Basic Ground Rules

The following ground rules aren‘t meant to insult anyone but to stop any ill will or hatred that could easily develop if we don‘t follow some basic ground rules:

Project 2996 is non partisan, while most of the participants will have their own political view, we will not ‚share‘ this in pins within the board.

Please refrain from name calling or obscene language, we do want to keep the board family friendly.

Pins should only be related to the victims, Project 2996, or September 11th. In order to not insult anyone‘s political beliefs, pins should not contain any pictures of any American Presidents, or Presidential Candidates.

Here‘s Pinterest

This is what Pinterest looks like to non users. It should be noted that what is displayed changes every second.

Pinterest Home Page

The screen shot shows recent ‚pins‘ by people that I ‚follow‘ on Pinterest when I recently went there

What is a pin?

Much like you might ‚Pin‘ things to a ‚Board‘ (at home or elsewhere), you pin things to boards on Pinterest.

Pinterest says that a „pin is an image added to Pinterest. A pin can be added from a website using the Pin It button, or you can upload images from your computer. Each Pin added using the Pin It button links back to the site it came from.“

A pin is much like a atom, it can be combined with other pins to form a board. It can also be repinned into a different board by someone other than the original pinner. It can be liked, and people can comment on them

What Does a Pin Look Like?

On the left you can see that this is part of the “Project 2996“ board (notice the crest?)

Here is a picture of Michael L. Selves along with a description of his occupation

There is one comment below the pin with room for other comments

What is a board?

Pinterest says that a board is a set of pins. A board can be created on any topic, such as Cool Posters, Recipes For Dinner, or Wishlist. You can add as many pins to a board as you want.

Boards are basically how you organize your pins. So you can have a single board, a few boards, or how many boards you wish to have. People will create boards related to various themes, subjects, ideas.

A Pinterest Board

Here is the Project 2996 Group Board again

As you can see, there are several pins shown on the left.

The person that pinned the item is shown below the pin.

Under each pin, people can add comments

Pinning: The Basics

Click on the “Add“ button towards the upper right-hand corner (circled in red in the picture). Your screen will now look like the one on the next slide.

Two Basic Ways to Pin

You‘ll now see something similar to the screen shot above.•You can ‘Add a Pin‘ (which means that there is a picture on the web that you‘ll be linking to) or•You can ‘Upload a Pin‘ (which means that you‘ll be uploading your own picture, drawing, or other graphical content•(You can also create a new board here, but this isn‘t applicable for pinning to the Project 2996 group board)

‚Add a Pin‘

If you select to ‘Add a Pin‘, you‘ll see a box similar to the one above.•Notice the „http://“- this means that your pin is on the internet somewhere•Type in the address of what you wish to pin (you can also copy paste the address)•Click on the find images.

Adding A Pin cont.

If there is a picture of a large enough size at the address you provided, it will look something like the picture above. •The address that you typed in is shown•The last category that you pinned is also shown (‘Television‘ was the last category I had pinned, that is why it shows up here)•Click on the drop-down menu to change the category from ‘Television‘

Adding A Pin cont.

Scroll down the menu until you see ‘Project 2996‘ and select it. Now you have the category that you want and should add the description. This will be shown on the next slide.

Adding a Pin cont.

After you‘ve completed your description for the pin, click on the‘Pin It‘ button. We‘ll get into what kind of information we‘d like to see in the description later on in this presentation.

How To Upload A Pin

If you had selected to ‚Upload a Pin‘ (second option if the top picture), you would see something like the screen captured above. With this option you‘ll be adding your own picture, drawing, or graphical item, instead of linking to something that is already online. Click on the „Browse…“ button and a new window will open up where you can navigate to the item you‘d like to upload. This will be a Windows Explorer window for those of you using Windows.

How To Upload A Pin cont

This looks similar to the ‚Add a Pin‘ except that the address is now something on your computer instead of the internet. After you‘ve added your description, click on the „Pin It“ button.

Pin Description

Please include the following information in your Pin description.

Name of the victim, age, occupation, and the location where they were (flight#, Pentagon, or World Trade Center). Please include „#“ in front of the location, this helps with search (similar to its use in Twitter)

If you have linked to a online webpage this will be shown in the pin and can be clicked on by those that want to. If you have used a link directly to a picture, then you should also a link to the appropriate story that the picture comes from. Look for more information about copyright later in this presentation.

The last line of the description should include the following: #911 #september11th #project2996. These will make our pins easier to find, when people are looking for any of those terms.

Pinterest has set the number of characters in a pin description to less than 500. This means that you might want to add comments after the pin is online as necessary.

How Do I Edit My Pin?

Sometime you‘ll notice that you clicked the Pin It button to quickly and that you want to make changes. Click on the „Edit“ button to change the board you pinned it to, the description, or even to delete it.

A Word About Copyright

You should always include links to anything that you might post. If the owner of that item doesn‘t want their matterial pinned (some people do not) you should comply and remove it . This can mean that you need to find another picture or so on. Many websites want to have their material pinned because it is a good way to bring traffic to their sites and can help their material reach new audiences. A lot of magazines and newspapers are using Pinterest as well now.

If you don‘t have a picture that we use, you might be able to use a stock photo from the various stock photo sites or maybe you can create a drawing or some sort of visual item that can be uploaded (You can be very creative with this).

How Do I Find Pictures to Pin

If you have already written a tribute, you might have a picture in your tribute that you can pin or you might be able to pin your tribute.

Pinterest requires that pictures have to be a certain size in order to show up, that is why a story or post with small pictures or several pictures might not pull up and you might want to link to a specific picture. You can right-click the picture and will be able to find the address for that picture. Occassionally this is disabled when the website doesn‘t want visitors using this funtion.

Google has a pretty good image search, but they don‘t have a monopoly on photo searches, so feel free to try others. I‘ve done a screen capture on the next slide.

Picture Searches

When I did this screen capture, the first picture is actually what was pinned to the Project 2996 for Michael Selves.

When you click on a picture, it will take you to that picture and show you where the picture is from (i.e blog post, article, website, etc.)

Repin, Like, & Comment

When you hover over something that has been pinned by another user, you‘ll notice ‚“Repin“, „Like“, and „Comment“ buttons (the pin on the left in the screenshot above shows these options). I‘ll discuss these in the next few slides

What is a ‚Repin‘?

If you happen to see a pin that you like and would like to add it to a board of your own, you can click on the ‚Repin‘ button and you can add it to whatever board or yours you like.

When and image is repinned, the user that originally pinned the image will aldo be credited and repins keep the source link from the orginal pin

Repin is kind of like Retweet in Twitter

Can I ‚Like‘ A Pin?

You might have ‚Liked‘ something in Facebook, you can also ‚Like‘ pins within Pinterest. If you ‚Like‘ a pin in Pinterest, it will show up under your profile‘s Likes section.

Liking a pin will not add it to any of your boards, to this you will need to Repin it.

By the way, if you have your Pinterest account linked to your Facebook account you can do a Facebook like of pins, so you can ‚Like‘ in Pinterest and Facebook as well.

Adding a Comment

You should notice in the picture on the left that there is a comment under the pin. You can comment after any pin you see (regardless of if you‘re a member of a board or not).

Feel free to add any information you might feel is relvent or any comment that you might wish to make (remember to follow the General rules)

What is Following?

You can ‚follow‘ all of a user‘s boards or you can ‚follow‘ individual boards that interest you.

According to Pinterest ‘„Following All“ means you‘ll have all of a user‘s pins on all their boards shown to you in real-time on Pintest. If the user makes new boards, you will automatically follow them.‘

When you follow individual boards, you see items that are pinned to them in real-time as well.

Pinterest- Basic Layout

This is what my profile looks like. You can see 10 of my board here. You‘ll also see that there is a description of the user. Users can show their website and link to Twitter and Facebook accounts. You can also see how many items the user has pinned, liked, how many people they are following and how many they‘re following.

How Does The Group Board Affect Project 2996?

Our main objective is to encourage online tributes for all the September 11th victims.

Through our group board on Pinterest, we‘ll be able to put a face to all of the victims as well.

Pins will tell a little bit about the victim and in the comments that follow we‘ll be able to indicate if there is a Project 2996 tribute for them or not.

People can comment on the victims (especially have they have their own story to tell).

This group board should also bring some futher publicity to Project 2996.

What is Following?

You can ‚follow‘ all of a users boards or you can ‚follow‘ individual boards that interest you.

According to Pinterest ‘„Following All“ means you‘ll have all of a user‘s pins on all their boards shown to you in real-time on Pintest. If the user makes new boards, you will automatically follow them.‘

When you follow individual boards, you see items that are pinned to them in real-time as well.

Pinterest and Searching

Usually when you‘re on the Pinterst site, there is a search box in the upper left hand corner. Here you can see that I typed in ‚#911‘

When searching in Pinterest, it will search by Pins, Boards, or People. You can use this feature to:•Find possible pins for a board that you‘re working on.•Find boards about subjects that you‘re interest in.•Find other users that you might like to follow.

And don‘t forget that we still need roughly 1300 more tributes to reach our goal of a ‚real‘ online tribute for every victim by a ‚real‘ person

Visit Project 2996‘s Web Site

Be sure to visit our web page at

How to Participate

You can leave a comment on the board in Pinterest informing us that you‘d like to participate.

You can leave a wall post on Facebook.

You can leave a comment on the Contact Me Page of our Web Page.

Look for more information on the coming days about pinning and so on

And don‘t forget that we still need roughly 1300 more tributes to reach our goal of a ‚real‘ online tribute for every victim by a ‚real‘ person

We Remember (a.k.a. The List)

„We Remember (a.ka. The List“At the time of this screen capture there were 1274 victims without Project 2996 tributes. The list is broken down by flight#, Pentagon, and World Trade Center victims.

We need all of the victims ‘pinned‘, regardless of if there is a tribute or not. It would also be great if you were to write a tribute for someone that doesn‘t have one.

How to Participate

You can leave a comment on the board in Pinterest informing us that you‘d like to participate.

You can leave a wall post on Facebook.

You can leave a comment on the Contact Me Page of our Web Page.

Look for more information on the coming days about pinning and so on

And don‘t forget that we still need roughly 1300 more tributes to reach our goal of a ‚real‘ online tribute for every victim by a ‚real‘ person

What Else Can We Do?

We want every victim to be represented by at least one pin in our Pinboard.

Within each pin and/or within the comments people should be able to find their way to the Project 2996 tribute(s)

Liking pins and repinning them brings attention to those pins and helps other users to find them.

Put comments on Pins where you have something to add.

You can share via Facebook and Twitter.

You can embed any pin on your website or blog (maybe you might want to do this with the next tribute your write?)

If you know of anyone else that would like to participate, be sure to let us know and direct them to the group board, our website, and/or our Facebook page

Be Sure to Check Out

Project 2996

We Remember ‚The List‘

Like Us on Facebook

The Project 2996 Group Board @ Pinterest

Be Sure to Check Out

What is Project 2996?

What is Project 2996 Doing for the 11th Anniversay

Darryl Heron‘s presentations on SlideShare

Find out more About.me

Questions or Comments?

We hope that this presentation provides the information that you need but we realize that you will probably have questions and/or comments.

Feel free to post them (after this presenation on SlideShare), on our website, or on our Facebook page

Thank you for your attention, and Happy Pinning!
